Doctors, Boardmembers and VIP's HOSPITAL carry?


I've been coming daily to Hospital for 5 wks straight.(Mo-in-law illness) I have walked around Hosp. and ALL entances are 30-06 posted legal signs. I leave my gun secured in vehicle safe in BIG parking lot. Hosp. security almost non. 1 on golf cart in parking lot. Non inside lobby, only 1 by elevaters armed only w/walk-talk. I feel unsafe unarmed cause of sign. Are Drs, Boardmembers N VIPs with CHLs exempt from obeying 30-06 signs on Hosp.doors? If they R unarmed, who protects them if BG w/gun enters Hosp?
The appropriate administrator can grant permission that supercedes the signage.

There's no definitional privilege that they have.

Who protects them, just like anywhere.
Glenn, I was afraid someone would say what you said. I understand and agree with your reply, however I just don't like the feeling of knowing that the posting of this 30-06 signs only target CHL holders. We as law abiding citizens must obey this signs that only serve to disarm the Good Guys. Criminals with guns don't obey any signs, which leaves each one of us at their mercy. I just don't like the ignorance of this mentality. Especialy when my safety is not guaranteed onced disarmed.
Yes Don, I'm from south Texas. I was under the impression that the 30-06 signs was the standard sign for all states that allow carry permits. So, I guess many readers probably did'nt know what I meant. My appologies to all.
Glenn, I was afraid someone would say what you said. I understand and agree with your reply, however I just don't like the feeling of knowing that the posting of this 30-06 signs only target CHL holders. We as law abiding citizens must obey this signs that only serve to disarm the Good Guys. Criminals with guns don't obey any signs, which leaves each one of us at their mercy. I just don't like the ignorance of this mentality. Especialy when my safety is not guaranteed onced disarmed.

This is the unfortunate situation the brain-dead in power have put us in. Common sense and citizens concerns are very rarely used when making decisions on firearms laws. Criminals are never affected by any of these laws.

Being in the medical field and, having lived through an active shooter in the hospital I worked at, I know exactly where you are coming from. Most hospitals though make it policy that all employees not carry any weapons. They say that since we are "caregivers", weapons give the wrong message. Most hospitals won't have armed security for the same reason.

I am currently in nursing education. One of the classes I teach is called Assaultive Behavior Management. It covers how to deal with upset and angry people and how to de-escalate situations. I have since added a section dealing with weapons and how to respond. I am the only instructor that I know of doing the weapons part. One thing that I can pass on from my class.
People who work in the medical field are assaulted at a rate that is 4 times the rate for the general public. Most administrators that I have dealt with don't care about that statistic though. They are only concerned about how they are seen by the public..
roge said:
Yes Don, I'm from south Texas. I was under the impression that the 30-06 signs was the standard sign for all states that allow carry permits. So, I guess many readers probably did'nt know what I meant. My appologies to all.
Firearms laws vary greatly among the states. For example, in Utah such a sign has no legal weight and can legally be ignored (in fact, signage on private property isn't even mentioned in the code). The only consequence would be if the gun was spotted and one was asked to leave and refused; then a trespassing charge might be possible but it is arguable whether it could be successfully prosecuted.

EDIT TO CLARIFY: A sign can have legal weight in a church if the church follows a mandatory procedure to ban guns in a house of worship.
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The appropriate administrator can grant permission that supercedes the signage.

Of the six Houston area hospitals in which I have worked in the past 21 years, I am not aware of any that have allowed any non-LEO to carry concealed on the premises. This, of course, does not deter those who would willingly break the law.
Those administrators who give permission probably do it on the secret for special circumstances. I know of a case in another 'banned' place. They wouldn't make it public.