Doctor Schtutes (SP??) abortion guy...

Rob Pincus

New member
Headline news just this instant compleated a segment where they interviewed an armed Abortion doctor in Reno, Nevada. I only caught the end of it, but the guy was decided pro-gun and was given a decent amount of time to say that he wasn't going to be a sitting duck.
given that Headline news usually re-runs segments for awhile you shoul dkeep an eye on that channel tonight, you'll likely get to se this piece...
You mean he doesn't feel safe with all the POLICE the city has paid for? There are a couple hundred police officers in that area... that's not enough for one guy?
regardless ofthe abortion issue, or his own personal deal, I was impressed that HN had run a story that showed a person who was prog-gun in a situation where one could expect to hear about how "this is why people shouldn't have guns...).

Perhaps, in my hopefulness I missed that some people would see this guys as an evil person because he is an abortion doctor. Maybe that is what HN was banking on and it was just another subtle anti-gun piece...