I've said this before, but there are very few legitimate reasons to ask about weapons when treating patients. In fact, if a patient verbalizes a desire to harm self or other, that fact is all that is needed. What tool or modality they intend to use matters little in most cases. The issue is that they intend some form of suicidal or homicidal intent, period.
I do not buy this counciling B.S. for safe firearm storage reason that is being given by some Doctors. Healthcare providers are NOT educated in firearms ownership/self defense and have no expertise in giving any advice on such matters, one way or the other. At best it's a boon doggle. It's a chargeable counseling with zero oversight. At worst it creates a searchable database of firearms owners, that would not be protected from State or Federal Government access, it won't. If fact, your healthcare insurer will also have access to such information as well, which in theory, could use such info to raise your rates as a person with a higher health risk.