Do your friends do you like this...

Mike / Tx

New member
Well as usual Beagle is still getting me in trouble, AGAIN.

Here I was just mindin my own business when he throws me a curve ball on some new mold I just have to get. Well I politely passed on his invitation, but it did stick in my mind.

So there I was Wednesday evening just looking through my bookmarks when all of a sudden, out of no where, the Lee Precision Closeout page opened right up on my screen. I'm thinking what tha, and then as if that wasn't enough, this 6 cavity mold pops right up there as well. I mean it's like someone else has control over my PC.

Then everything got fuzzy, I guess I must have blacked out for a brief time and when I woke up, my credit card is laying out in front of me, and a thank you for your order page is up.

When I got to looking it was the Lee Closeout page mold I had bought. I don't know why, but I am blaming it all on Beagle.

Oh and if your in the market for one, here is what I somehow managed to pick up, and I will have mine on Tuesday of next week.

452-235-RF 6-cavity


Keep your eye on him he's REEEEELLL sneaky.....:eek:
You know you want one!!

If you wanna see sneaky... I'm tryin' to get Al to run the NOE BD 45-210 RG again, and he says he hopes to run it this month.
Resistance is futile! :D


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Ya`ll fellers don`t play fair & both of ya is mean !!!

Keep on & I`m gonna have to get me a shootin iron with 45 on the side !!
Actually thinkin of a 45 bottom feeder , maybe a cheapy to start ,like a plain jane Rock Island ??

It`ll be the second in 50 yrs.
Actuall a Rock Island isn't a bad gun for the money, and there warrenty is second to none. Life time warrenty that follows the gun no the buyer, so its allways under warreny.

There pretty good shooters, I have a few friends that shoot them.