Do you want to know how they voted?

Maybe someone could explain how to read this site.

It appears that on May 13th vote number 116 there were 39 votes FOR and 59 votes AGAINST fienstein's amendment to ban importation of high capacity magazines.

If the way I read it is true then there is no ban on the importation of high cap mags.

Can someone clarify?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
John--I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that the vote was on a motion that would have KILLED DiFi's hideous amendment, not on the amendment itself...

Can anyone verify?
BAB is correct. No fault or blame on you, but you (we) have to know the exact wording the vote is based on, not necessarily the amnendment/bill per se

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Yes, DC (and no offence taken). The site does not give the verbage used to call the vote so it's difficult to tell which way it went.

Is there a site that give the language of the call for the vote?

I just got off the phone with my Senators' offices. What they told me was the reason the gun show checks was voted down the first time was that the wording was too vauge. Then the bill was amended to be more specific (an amendment by Hatch and others) and was re-voted on and because it was more specific, was passed.

Also, the office help in both offices said that the feinstein amendment was tabled.

Can this be varified through your Senators' offices?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited May 14, 1999).]
I have just got off the phone with the leglislative assistant for one of mt Republican senators and it was all warm and fuzzy until I asked why the senator voted against the Constitution whereupon the asst ran out of time.
Ill give the other one a chance too.

Better days to be,

What was 'roll call vote #118'...the one with 48 yeas and 47 nays? The descriptive text is not showing up...and I can't figure out what it was based on who voted for what, because among the nays are Feinstein, Boxer, and Bob Smith. This one's throwing me...anyone know what this vote was for??

"The Republican gun show measure squeaked through by a 48-47 vote, after two arch conservative Republicans who opposed any mandatory background checks switched their votes at the last minute for the sake of party unity. Four Democrats and one Republican were absent."