Do you USE your sling for shooting?


New member
A thread Eric of IN started over in the Rifle forum just happened to be on something I've been thinking about for the last couple of days. How many of you guys actually use your sling for something other than carrying your rifle? None of the guys that I hunt with do. I don't think they even know you can. Most of the guys I see have those big padded things that I don't think would work very well for shooting.
What kind of slings do you use? I use Super Slings on a couple of my rifles, they are a 1 1/4" wide one-hand adjustable sling, but the only time I ever adjust it is to fit over whatever I'm wearing that day, or shorten it way up to case my rifle. I use it every time I shoot if I'm not on some type of rest. How about you guys?
If I'm standing, to shoot off-hand, I'll take a hasty wrap with my sling. Otherwise, it depends on whether or not I have a rest.

What I'e been too lazy to do is rig my rifles for the Ching sling...That looks like the best deal going.

Yes but ONLY if I have the time.

If not I don't sweat it but a properly used sling can help lots from any position but prone.
The Ching sling is the berries. I have two and will acquire more!

The problem with these slings is that until you try one, you will not understand how good they are.

Sort of like sex. :D

More info!

More info on the Ching Sling, please? What is it? Where can you get it? I'm looking for a sling...
I use a GI leather sniper sling on my hunting rifle and when a long range shot allows me the time to use it properly (say 2-3 seconds) it really can make a difference. ( I prefer to use the sling rather than a bipod for antelope hunting). When a shot gun gets the sling its strictly a "carry strap". When you are talking semi auto rifles.. I use the sling wrapped around my left wrist to help keep the muzzle down in rapid fire. I use a cloth sling on the "military" looking guns to keep the wieght down.
Depending on what I'm carrying, I use two variants of the hasty sling most of the time. Exception, the 870 I set up for deer. Most of the shots I get with that one are fast and close,snap shooting....
At the range, I use my sling. In the woods, if I have enough time to wrap the sling I have enough time to take my "hunting rest". I lean my weight on one hand rested vertically against a tree. My thumb protrudes out horizontally forming an 'L' or 'V' shaped rest for my weapon. I can also take this rest at the range using the vertical posts there. I find that this "rest" is much more useful and accurate for me than my sling is.
I've never been able to figure out how to use the darned military sling for shooting. In Cooper's book, The Art of The Rifle, the photos are not clear enough to make the text meaningful.

Other written instructions have also not been helpful.
I use the strap a lot, but still find it hard to get into the "non hasty" version.

_The Art of Shooting_ by Chapel has a good description of this.

For "hasty" position:
Basically, hold the rifle in your left hand. With the left hand, twist the strap clockwise one-half turn, then slip it around your elbow. The twist makes it so that the strap is flat against all parts of your hand and arm and not twisted strangely anywhere.

The "non-hasty" version is more involved... you have to put your arm through the loop, etc,
Deanf -- the "non-hasty" sling (AKA the "loop sling") is really just as easy, assuming you have the right type of sling (military-style):

1. Hold rifle in non-trigger-finger hand with muzzle stright up.
2. Detach the rear sling-keeper so the bottom of the sling hangs down.
3. Twist the sling a half-turn clockwise (if righty).
4. Insert arm into open loop at "bottom" of sling all the way up to the armpit. Make sure rear loop isn't too tight.
5. Reach around the "outside" of the sling and grasp the forestock just behind the front sling-keeper.
6. Tighten front sling keeper so the rifle is held firmly in place when you shoulder the weapon normally. Not too tight, but not loose, either.

Hasty sling:
1. Point weapon down-range, holding it with trigger-finger hand so sling hangs down in a loop.
2. Drop left (non-trigger-finger) arm inside of loop, then bend arm at elbow so hand comes out other side of sling.
3. Twist the sling a half-turn clockwise (if righty). If you can't figure out the "half-turn" part, just make sure the sling lays flat against your arm.
4. Tuck sling all the way up to the armpit. Make sure loop isn't too tight.
5. Reach around the "outside" of the sling and grasp the forestock just behind the front sling-keeper. The sling is now wrapped once around the arm, touching at the armpit and across the bicep, then around the outside of the wrist.
6. Tighten sling keeper so the rifle is held firmly in place when you shoulder the weapon normally. Not too tight, but not loose, either.

I find the sling (hasty or loop sling) useful in all positions, including the prone. In The Art of the Rifle, Col Cooper states it's not useful in the standing or offhand positions since there is no brace for the forward arm. I find it helpful even thought it's not supposed to work (same reason why bumblebees can fly even though supposedly scientists say it's impossible).

Yes, I use mine for pretty much all my offhand shots. I am sure I don't use it properly, but it helps me a bunch.
Use of Shooting Sling

Yes--probably half the time, in the field. I really like to use the loop sling as learned in high School ROTC and refined while on HS varsity rifle team.

The old U. S. Army manual on Individual Weapons and Marksmanship has good section on use of loop sling. Back then, it was with the leather version (M1907, I think) and later ones on the web sling. You can do very good work with either.

Bruegger described the use of the loop sling far better than I could have, without use of illustrations. Nice work there, sir.

I much prefer to use a good, solid rest, like a big rock, a tree, fence or fence post, of course, but at least half the time, such is not available. My best field position otherwise is seated with good, tight loop sling. I can only think of two occasions when I was able to get down and shoot from prone--usually too many weeds or other obstructions in the way.

I occasionally use hasty sling, but only with Winchester 94, SMLEs with issue Brit carrying strap, or the AR series. Lately I've been practicing with the Ching sling on my Savage Scout. Haven't used it in actual game hunting yet, but look forward to it.

Anybody who has the Savage Scout, it is easy to modify their included web sling to Ching configuration. It cost me about seven dollars to do mine and involves only a few Chicago rivets, one square or D-ring, and one Uncle Mike's sling swivel and stud.

Best regards,