Do you see a contradiction here?


New member
The overwhelming sentiment among us gunowners who care about the erosion of our Constituational rights seems to be resistance. If that day arrives when we are living in a complete police state and the order comes for us to finally "turn 'em in," many of us SAY that we will refuse to comply.

Now, we all realize that we are being attacked incrementally since a frog will jump when it's thrown into boiling water and not when it's slowly heated. We all realize this. Yet the overall sentiment seems to be that we should comply fully with every statist law that comes down the pike--after all the law is the law.

Okay, so if we continue to comply and jump through all the burning hoops and pay all the fees and perform all that they will heap upon us, what exactly will we have left to resist with when that "turn 'em in" order is issued? Since we complied with all the previous dictates, won't they have us cowed with universal registration, permits, at-gun-club storage laws, taxes, fees, SNS bans, AW bans, sniper rifle bans, large caliber bans, small caliber bans, excess ammo bans, etc.?

So it is either now or later.
Are you speaking of gunowners or the gen'l population?

Ya'll hate Calif....The SKS turn in was a rousing success for the liberals wasn't it? Is that compliance?

The gun control laws aren't voted in by the populace; just like Brady Bill wasn't.
Most of us are doing something, just because its not dying in a hail of bullets doesn't mean nothing is being done.

What do you suggest?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC is right. And the powers that be will never let any gun control issue be put to a referendum by popular vote. The current administration knows that they would loose, plain and simple. That is also why the current administration does not want a 2nd amendment issue going to the Supreme Court...unless Al Gore gets elected and can replace three justices.

Don't ever think that our government has YOUR best interests in mind or even cares what happens to you. All they care about is getting the vote. And gun control is nothing more than grandstanding for the vote. Now if I was one to pass along conspirecies, I would also say that gun contriol is part of the pacification of the American people by those who would like to run things. ;)

Joe Portale
Tucson, Arizona territory

"The unarmed man is a subject, the armed man is a citizen."
SKS turn-in???? What SKS turn-in, we were supposed to turn in our SKS's??? Now you're tellin me we were supposed to register them, too???? OMG !!!!

The Bible is my lawbook. I turn the other cheek when applicable, and spend the rest of my days resisting evil at every front, until I have breathed my last breath.
If the populace is against gun control, how does a politician gain votes by being anti-gun?
Most of us gun owners in CA are doing nothing. I’ll tell you some of the things we are not doing. We are not turning in our guns as the law requires. We are not registering them as the law requires. And yet we are working hard right now to get a RKBA amendment on the November ballot.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Amen bookkie. AR15? What AR15? Just to piss the antis off, I think I'll put a retractable stock and flash hider on my post ban receiver.

Perata and Lockyear can kiss my #@$.
DC is right. And the powers that be will never let any gun control issue be put to a referendum by popular vote. The current administration knows that they would loose, plain and simple. That is also why the current administration does not want a 2nd amendment issue going to the Supreme Court...unless Al Gore gets elected and can replace three justices."

Joe, I suspect the supreme court would not rule that the 2nd amendment is an individual right. Both sides fear losing a supreme court battle.