Do you openly talk about firearms? Part II


New member
As previously mentioned.. just in case someone else wanted to add their 2 cents. :D

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
I was just curious how many of you might openly discuss topics concerning firearms. Are you more discreet around certain people or in public? Are you more open with other gun buddies than you would be with people whom you don't know? How does our surrounding culture determine how you talk about our most precious right and hobby?

President, FUD's Fan Club.
I make friends with people, often getting them to trust me, and only after that point do I disclose it. I figure if I disclose how many guns I own prior to being trusted by them, it doesn't make as much of an impression. If they are my friends for other reasons, and there is a mutual bond, they have to think twice about it.

I hardly look like the typical gun owner, more people would associate me with musicians or Wiccan by the look of me, and the way I dress, but I'm neither. I think it lets me operate in crowds that normally are intimidated by firearms enthusiasts.

It's always a powerful argument to mention there's over 800 guns in a 3 block radius of my house, and there's never been a murder, mugging, or successful burglary in that 3 block radius either in the entire history of western inhabitance of this area.

Maybe hundreds of years ago some settler and some indian killed each other here, but nobody since it's been seriously inhabited.

People who I tell this too either really absorb it, or they brush it off because their not willing to think about it.

Converting those not listening will never happen. They'll have to decide on their own that things don't really work that way, or we'll have to go their way. Either way, it's always a lively topic when it is brought up.

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me

Compromising the right position only makes you more wrong.
I don't usually have to open the conversation.

My 3 favorite T-shirts do it:

2. RUGER - with the huge logo
3. Gun Control is a Steady Hand

If folks don't like them, they can turn down my business.
Whenever I run into another American over here in Japan, I immediately introduce myself as a gun-loving, carnivorous, patriotic, irreconcialably heterosexual member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. I quickly make a new friend or never hear from that person again, which is just how I like it.
Yes, I do make a habit of "talking guns" in open conversation. I don't allude to what I have, but the conversation is rich with gun topics.
I talk about firearms and/or RKBA in every First Aid, CPR, and Defensive Driving Class I teach. Every one.

In some locations I must speak more carefully than in others.
- In anti-freedom locales, I speak more about Rights; the failure and hypocrisy of gun control, etc.
- In pro-gun locales, we talk about specific firearms, tactics, CHL procedures and classes, points of law, etc.

But at the beginning of ever class, as the rules state, I must give my "qualifications" for the course. Funny how "CHL Instructor" always pops up. That usually prompts someone to ask for more information or make a comment to which I can respond.

Oh, almost forgot! A church group sponsored my 8-hour First Aid/CPR class. Class lasted a bit over NINE hours and four people signed up to get the CHL application package from the Dept of Public Safety! (A new record for me! :) )

(And I haven't even mentioned my daily reading/discussions on TFL!!)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
A common U.S. ice-breaker of a question is, "And, what do YOU do?" I usually answer something like, "Well, I'm retired, so I try to stay caught up on huntin' and
shootin' and bein' lazy."

I try to bring up shooting and hunting and fishing, any chance I get.

Every now and then, some anti-hunter type gets on my case; I merely reply that I'm a health-food freak. Low cholestrol, doncha know? The original low-fat diet.

A mind-torquer is to mention that it's more soul-satisfying as a teacher to instruct women in self-defense pistol-shooting than men, cause they're generally better students, follow directions better, and really show the new self-confidence and self-esteem. :)

So far, I've never had a problem.

:), Art
Absolutely, every chance I get.

I am new to Commiefornia (6 months) and don't "look" like a gun guy. I'm in management in a high tech Silicon Valley company. I bring up shooting every chance I get, with about 80% favorable response, especially if the conversation gets into the political realm.

I've also found that it's really easy to get a seat by yourself on mass transit while reading a copy of the Shotgun News... :-)
Depends on how bad the movie is. :D

WTF? That's a .22 target pistol, not a .44 mag!

The slide's locked back, that pistol is a very expensive club right now.

John Moses Browning put the sights on that pistol for a reason!

Wow! 56 shots from a 7-shot 1911! RELOAD!

I do, however, wind up with the whole row to myself at the theatre a lot of times...


LawDog; You will have to learn to cuss under your breath.

You have to be there when it's all over. Otherwise you can't say "I told you so."

Better days to be,

Generally, only with my friends of like mind. Some of my neighbors know; they have firearms in their homes. I have even purchased a firearm from my neighbor across the street (using a FFL to handle the private transfer).

Most of the time I don't telegraph my thoroughly enjoyable "obsession" unless I meet someone who is as obsessed as I.

I was in a friend's pawn shop last month using Jim Supica's S&W handbook to help him identify and price 3 very old Smiths (19th century stuff). A patron of the shop saw me comparing one of the guns to photos in the book and asked if I were a gun collector. I said, "Of sorts." To which he responded, "How many do you have?" I replied, "That's really no one's business but mine, but I can understand your curiosity," and returned to my chore.

Safe shooting - PKAY
With people I know well I am very frank.
If guns come up with people I don't know as well I always make sure the words "self-defense" are used. Almost everyone can understand the desire to be able to defend yourself.
There's other topics for conversation? I need to look into that... ;)

Seriously, my 'Glock Shooting Sports' ball cap or the Anti-'Jacking stickers in my cars rear window ("WARNING: Driver carries only $20 worth of ammunition!" and a silver "Glock: Perfection" decal) are kinda dead giveaways...

Of course I talk about guns, even in public. No-one's gonna give you the hairy eyeball for it; you might shoot them! :D

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!
I dont have friends that dont shoot or talk to anyone that isnt a gun owner :)

How you been Tamara? And why do you always get to be on top ;)
Yes I do. How else am I going to find the poor lost souls that have never been shooting so I can take them out and let them convert themselves?

When asked how many guns I have I answer, more than I can carry in one hand and not enough to satisfy me.

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

I hunt, therefore I am.
I tlak about guns to about 75% of the people that come in to my shop. Someone always has a question out there and I guess I'm the one that knows what is going on.

A son is the best friend you'll ever have!