Do you open carry regularly?

Do you (or would you if you could) open carry regularly?

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Ok, we have the opinions poll in another thread, but I am curious as to who actually does open carry. This is not to start a new debate on the subject, but I am curious as to who does it.

Regularly is defined for this poll as more than half the time.

The third option is a bone for any residents in a PR.
First, a question.

Is the point of open carry that people must see the weapon, or you can carry it under a loose shirt for instance, and if it peaks out of the bottom, it's ok?
I would like a little clarification.
I open carry right now , I have not gotten my CCW yet, I live in AZ, it is not uncommon to see open carry here. No one seems to notice and it does not seem to alarm anyone.
After school on the way to and from the ranch, yes. Going into the larger town in our area for shopping and such, no.

I'd just like to have the option.

As it is now, I have to "hide" the gun I open carry on my place until I get to the gate and then take it off as I leave. I carry concealed in all other instances.
I would if I could just because I don't want some potential BG to wonder if I am armed or not. Lets have a clear, and forthright understanding long before some crazy idea enters his head.
Pretty much the same as BerettaCougar. Open carry in the woods. But not regularly. And I don't have a CCW, so no carry in town.

To clarify, neither.

The only way to open carry under your first situation, would be to hold it in your hand, and shoot it, while shaking deaf people and shoving it in their faces. The second idea you mention is simply an OWB style of carry.

When I say open carry, I mean people can see the gun if they look at the spot you carry it. Most people will not even notice, that is just the way they are. People really will miss an openly displayed gun, at least, that has been my experience. They do not HAVE to see it, but it must not be actively concealed.

I have an option for you poor Texans and Floridians, good luck getting those oppressive laws changed.
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I think open carry is a great privilege, I love being able to grab my gun when going to the store and not having to worry about getting in trouble with the law. A plus side would also be that potential muggers know I'm packing.
i open carry only at home.
i had a crazy idea... how bout having to get a permit for open carry aswell as CC.
or perhaps having a nation wide test or certification stating that you are allowed to carry at all. open carry / concealed would be done according to personal preference.
I think it should be allowed but

I would not do it myself. like the element of surprise! plus I think its more wise to carry concealed over all.

Superhornet, I do not worry. We had another thread/poll however, and I was curious as to who supports OC, and who actually does. A lot of people support the right to, but few actually do. It was purely about finding out the numbers.

Oh, and it hasn't been any 8 months, more like 4. (TN state Gov doesn't have a quick turnaround, among other things.)

Sum1, privilege?
I don't feel like asking permission and paying a fee to exercise a right, so I open carry regularly (my employer doesn't have an issue with it, which makes things much simpler).

If I need to carry concealed somewhere (which is fairly rare), I just do. Concealed means nobody can see it, y'know?
I have only open carried twice in receisent years. Michigan Laws says that we may. BUT ask any police person they will say no or We'll make it tuff on you and harass you or take you to court. Which means your money spent and time off work to prove you can legally anyway. I have CCw and just use that. Noone has stepped forward to be the test case.

Michigan constitution:
Article I, Section 6:

Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state.

I just doesn't get any plainer than that....
A story:

When I first got to Oregon, I couldn't CCW due to they had a 6 month residency deal and such (and found it was against the law to boot). So I opened carried for the first couple of months.

I went to Winco (A local shopping center here in town, mainly food) and was walking though buying when a women yelled out "HE'S GOT A GUN!!!!!!!!!".

I was looking around..... gun, who, what, what is this, when I noticed that she was pointing at me.

Needless to say, I was given a talken to by the LEO's that responded (wasn't doing anything against the law, just that things like what happened could happen :( ). I was told that guns in the store should be concealled (by the manager) and that I was within the law but... some times you shouldn't do some things.

The only thing that I can think of is this, I could probably wear a chainsaw on my hip while going throught the store and I doubt that anyone would yell out "HE'S GOT A CHAINSAW!!!!" or any other tool that could be seen. Yet when you have a gun on your hip/leg, everyone (some, not everyone) seems to make it a point to shout out in a crowded place :confused: .

Open carry outside of the home or business is not permitted by law in Washington state, absent some narrowly drawn circumstances having to do with outdoor recreation. I would rarely, if ever, open carry even given the option. Why? It would in most cases up in the Seattle area draw unwelcome attention, and as someone who is well-known in his professional community, I would not want the notoriety.

But I live 35 miles from town. When driving or in town leave the gun rig on the seat next to me, and cover it on the seat when I go in somewhere. Haven't ever heard of anyone being mugged in Wyoming so far, so have never bothered to get a ccw.