Do You Know Your State Laws?

Don Morgan

New member
Do you know what your state laws says about someone who enters your home forcibly, and what you as a resident can do legally?

28th Revision 1999 California Penal Code 198.5

A resident of a household who injures or kills an intruder who the resident knew or had reason to believe entered forcibly and unlawfully will be presumed to have acted reasonably in self defense or in self defense of another member of the household.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
In Georgia the intruder has to enter in a violent mannor. Such that if he gets in you can tell he means you harm. This is to prevent some yahoo from just sitting by the door waiting for a robber to finish picking your lock and opening the door so he can try out his new 12 guage. The correct thing to do would be to inform the individual first (through the door) that you are armed, have already called the police, and would love to show you the spread pattern of my new shot-gun. If he continues after your warning lock and load.
This is common sense since we should always use deadly force as a last resort.
Besides knowing your state law you should also know what lawyer in your area is qualified in defending a self defense case. This will take some research but it's easier to do now then when you are sitting in jail because no matter how right you were you will most likely be detained by the police.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
In Colorado, the law says you may use lethal force against an intruder, as long as you "reasonably believe" that your life is in danger.

Doesn't work that way, of course.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Its not as clearcut as you may believe.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>197. Homicide is also justifiable when committed by any person in
any of the following cases:
1. When resisting any attempt to murder any person, or to commit a
felony, or to do some great bodily injury upon any person; or,
2. When committed in defense of habitation, property, or person,
against one who manifestly intends or endeavors, by violence or
surprise, to commit a felony, or against one who manifestly intends
and endeavors, in a violent, riotous or tumultuous manner, to enter
the habitation of another for the purpose of offering violence to any
person therein; or,
3. When committed in the lawful defense of such person, or of a
wife or husband, parent, child, master, mistress, or servant of such
person, when there is reasonable ground to apprehend a design to
commit a felony or to do some great bodily injury, and imminent
danger of such design being accomplished; but such person, or the
person in whose behalf the defense was made, if he was the assailant
or engaged in mutual combat, must really and in good faith have
endeavored to decline any further struggle before the homicide was
committed; or,
4. When necessarily committed in attempting, by lawful ways and
means, to apprehend any person for any felony committed, or in
lawfully suppressing any riot, or in lawfully keeping and preserving
the peace.

198. A bare fear of the commission of any of the offenses mentioned
in subdivisions 2 and 3 of Section 197, to prevent which homicide
may be lawfully committed, is not sufficient to justify it. But the
circumstances must be sufficient to excite the fears of a reasonable
person, and the party killing must have acted under the influence of
such fears alone.[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
In Arkansas if they enter your home illegally they are fair game. It's that simple.

"GottaShoot30, GottaShoot27, GottaShoot23, GottaShootKimber - I just wish I had more time"
I spent a summer in Texas.
If someone is on your property at night, you can shoot them. This has been used as a defense in court. Talk about simple!

Now I'm in CT. I doubt the law is as clearcut.
I'm a Texan with a CCW. othermarc is correct about the "deadly force" statute in Texas. It is quite broad and very well writen - from the viewpoint of a law-abiding citezen.

Deadly force to protect life and limb of yourself, a third party and property of either of the before mentioned.

Again, "if the actor reasonably believes that...". This is interpretive to some extent of course but it will depend on *HOW* a person responds to a the police when they arrive. If the first words out of your mouth are something to the effect of, "I thought he was going to kill me, I was scared to death!", then you have laid the foundation for a "no bill" from the DA.

Texas right to defense laws are some damn good ones. Now, when the liberal lawyers get wind with the civil suit - that's another ball game...

Join NRA, GOA and vote!

So it would seem that the proper attitude to have when the LEOs show up is trembling, weeping, and saying "Thank God you're here!" as opposed to, "Yep, done plugged his criminal ass, hee-hee-hee." :)

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
DC yes I'm familiar with this portin of the Penal Code as well, the point being that CA. at one time stated was your life had to threatened with a gun or knife or other object before you could defend yourself. The reason for the re-word of the Penal Code was due to the fact of the Home Invasion Robberies that CA has been experiencing the past few years. I for one am glad to see the words to assist the home owner against these thugs, but I agree with Penal Code you submitted that your life still has to be threatened for you protect yourself and/or your family. This is why I say if you shoot and kill someone within your home expect the following: To be questioned by the police; Possibility of being arrested; Do not volunteer any information; Get a good lawyer.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed