Do you ever feel like Homer Simpson?


New member
I had a HS "DOH!" moment last night for sure. I went to my gunsmith and picked up two rifles I had being worked on. Brought them home and started pulling scopes and rifles out of the safe. Should have really cleand my surroundings a little better on my bench and maybe I could have avoided it.*

Anyway to make a long story short I accidentally bumped the box with my new 3.5-10X40 VX3 and sent it tumbling to the concrete floor. Box was open and when it hit the floor the scope came out and hit the concrete and rolled about two feet away. Scope appears to be for the most part unharmed, so I mounted it anyway. Here's to hoping it'll still shoot. I'm thinking of taking the rifle to OK to hunt in November, and don't want to send a scope back.

Well at least the other three scopes went on without a hitch, I could use any of those others to hunt with as well.
It should be fine.

My VX1 survived a roll over accident I had about 7 years ago. Truck rolled 6 times. It was still dead on and has been ever since.
It is life time guaranteed so there is a safety net. I did something similar with a expensive knife I was cleaning. I also took a gun apart filled with tiny parts and spent a hour on my knees and a flashlight looking for a tiny spring. Never again.....Since then my work area is well cleaned off and like a operating table.
I’m not sure why but after watching me work with my guns a friend suggested that if I was the typical shooter there should be a market for ‘gunsmithing pods’.

These would be one-piece, seamless fiberglass booths, (I think he got the idea by looking at bath tub surrounds at the Home Depot, or maybe porta-potties…) all rounded corners on the inside and when you shut the door the thing would be hermetically sealed. (I’m not sure he knows what the word ‘hermetically’ means) and you could disassemble your guns in that without fear of loosing parts.
What's even worse is reassembly and having parts left over! :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear you scope dropped . . . but look at it this way . . . the same thing could happen if you leaned your unloaded rifle against a tree and it took a tumble. I'm sure it will be fine . . . and don't feel bad . . . you aren't the first person something like this has happened to. The only difference is that your brave enough to talk about it! :)
last year I was so tired one day during deer season my rifle slipped off my should er and landed on the scope on hard ground. It was still spot on. You should do a test fire before you hunt just to be sure.
It's probably OK, I took a nasty spill while hunting once and my rifle landed in a lightly snow covered rock outcropping. The scope took a direct hit. Surprisingly it held it's zero, but the variable power adjustment was hard to move after that, I continued to use it for a few years until it finally broke.
My brand new, barely out of the box Benjamin air rifle (Eurasian doves are just TOO tempting in my neighborhood) fell on our tiled kitchen floor with the scope I had just finished mounting on it last night. I was walking through the dining room with it when my wife called out for assistance getting something hot out of the oven. I should have spent 5 seconds putting the gun in a better spot, but the wife's voice indicated urgency so I just leaned the gun against the counter. Of course my 5 year-old boy has to come running by in the 10 seconds it took for me to help my wife, and he knocked it over. So much for the first ding and scratch!
What's even worse is reassembly and having parts left over!

Well hello there, Ross Rifle!!

I am waiting for one of these home gunsmithing rifle rack thingies to come in to the local store so I can at the very least do my disassembly over something vaguely resembling a receptacle.

I have not yet dropped a scope. Thank Christ. But I have always bought guns with iron sights, so that if I screw up and break glass, I am not completely helpless.
I have many atimes pulled something apart in a very unsuitable area and search a very long time for small parts.

Worst one was just the other day, I was intrigued with how the swivelling sling mount on my Versapod worked.
Turns out there is a grub screws that holds many tiny ball bearings in place, and those tiny ball bearings are incredibly difficult to find. I think I found them all as it works just as well as it ever did.
I also took a gun apart filled with tiny parts and spent a hour on my knees and a flashlight looking for a tiny spring. Never again.....Since then my work area is well cleaned off and like a operating table.

I did something similar to this awhile ago. I took my .22 bolt action's bolt apart out of pure curiosity as to what it looked like on the inside. Well it seemed like the smaller the part, the more important it was, and I somehow lost a tiny screw that was an imperative part of the bolt.. without that little screw the entire bolt and gun for that matter is unusable. I did eventually find it, which took about an hour. Now when I take stuff apart I take careful note of where all of the parts are going.
Taylor, I have had a few of those moments myself. I bent the tube on a scope one time doing something I knew good and well not to do. I wont buy a scope that does not have a good warranty.;) Murphy hangs around me too closely at times.:D