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Do you ever check OP'ers statistics?


I see a lot of people ask questions about guns or ammo, and they never check back, or they don't respond back with not ever so much as a thank you, or acknowledgment.

And others go on for weeks responding to the OP's questions without even knowing they are responding to nobody, because the OP asked and left.

I've seen 2,3,4, even 5 pages of poster's post for no reason.

Anyway, people should be more aware we can check each others activities to see if we are wasting your time following up on the OP'ers thread using our statistic feature we all have, it's easy to do.

If a thread goes more than a few days, or a few pages, I make sure the OP has followed up to see if they are actually engaged in the original topic they brought up, so I don't have to answer a "died thread".

I also like to use my own statistics to monitor my own questions or comments, and follow up on them, it makes it much easier.

So I recommend using your own statistics feature for easy follow ups. It works really well, and you don't, or won't, miss anything that you commented on recently.
Yep, I've noticed that too.. but if often comes from a 'new'

poster... they just tend to never show back up.

then again, the benefit is that if it is a good question then lots of folks learn from all the answers regardless of what happened to the original poster.
I think most of us don't care who or what the OP was...
We just like to type crap on the computer.
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Before responding, I generally at least look to see if the person has posted more than a handful of times, especially with "suspicious" questions which are sometimes asked.

Sometimes it seems as though the antis are trolling gun boards posting stupid questions. Most of the time, it's just spam.
I look at many aspects of member profile for various reasons. I do notice the same thing about folks posting one question and never returning. I figure they joined a few or a dozen other forums and posted the same question. They often find one that they really like more and stay there... Just like I have a few dozen gun forums in bookmarks but only use 2 daily and one of those is more outdoors board than guns...
But this ain't gun related while being suited for the suggestions and questions section... So I will ask it be moved there;)
Elvishead you have hit one of my pet peeves - the hit and run poster. They ask a question and never return for the response, or even if they do return in the shadows they never have the consideration for other members who have taken the time to reply with a simple "Thank you".

I think paull's answer is pretty close to reality also. :)
I'm not sure how much of paull's post was tongue in cheek, but I'm pretty sure that it's just about as accurate as it gets.

I'd think most of us chit chat about what interests us... if the OP never reads it, I don't really care. I just like to talk about these things with like minded folks.

I can't believe anyone takes it so personally as to try and keep track of who is reading, responding our following our "advice" ! :rolleyes:
Mal, it's a pet peeve of mine, too.
I spend a lot of time on a moto forum (my other passion..:)), and I hate it when people come in, get treated really well, get great answers, then don't even bother following up or even saying "thanks".
I just consider it bad manners.

blume, you have a good point about good answers benefiting everyone, though.
Plus, we can use the thread for ramblings afterwards.... :D:D
(not here, of course....;))

I can't believe anyone takes it so personally as to try and keep track of who is reading, responding our following our "advice" !

It's pretty simple, I can weed out the BS'ers, and keep track of my own post's. It saves me a lot of time and energy. I hate wasting my time on the strokes and troll's. Plus, I can profile the person or person's that are posting. It's there, so I use it.

Like I just checked out your statistics, and you seem pretty much on the up and up. And you post 4 times a day and your last activities was today at 8:33 pm west coast time.:p

So carry on.:D
I think you can do exactly what you want simply by looking under the OP's name to see how many posts they have.

If it's a guy with 10 posts that starts a thread that says, "Should I buy a 9mm or .45?", then really... why even bother.

There's nothing whatsoever wrong with new folks that don't have many posts, but if the topic isn't specifically compelling, it often because some new guy that just arrived hasn't seen us discuss it 18 times already.

To each his own, I suppose.
I certainly have my own methods... on a free day where I have an hour to enjoy myself here, I click on the Gen Handgun forum, then semi, then Gen Guns, then H&R. When I have less time, I simply use the drop-down to click on "subscriptions" to see if anything new (and compelling!) has been added to a conversation I've involved myself in.

If I have even more time, I may check training & tactics and revolvers, maybe check out the F/S/T Handguns. I have to be needing specific info to visit rifles or gunsmithing, because I know I have no business dispensing advice about either! And I don't think I've ever even been in shotguns.

Whatever works! :D
This is what I like about the statistic feature.

November 28, 2009, 02:58 PM #1
old fart

Join Date: May 24, 2009
Posts: 32 ruger gp or sp??


i have a small problem deciding so i hope yall can help me out, i have a chance to buy a new gun but only one and would like to know which yall think is best for the uses i'll need it for? i have a choice of a 4inch gp100, or a 3inch sp101, it will be open carried around my home area,(i live in a rural area and open carrying is not a problem) out walking, and hiking in the woods. it will serve also as a home defense gun. now i know some will say get one and later get the other, but unless things get better with money this will be my only handgun for at least a year. so i need the best choice for what i'm using it for, i've checked both out and love both but can only get one. they are the same price and new, so for what i'm using it for which gun will be my best choice? thanks for any help.

Yesterday, 02:04 PM #30
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Location: Las vegas, NV
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August 2, 2009, 03:57 PM #1
old fart

Join Date: May 24, 2009
Posts: 32 concealment holster for sp101??


i have a ruger sp101 357magnum, 3inch barrel. i have decided to get my conceal carry permit, what would be a good choice? i am on a strick budget so i need something that will work but be inexspensive. i have been open carrying without trouble here in ky., but i think i would feel more comfortable when i go to town if i concealed. i have lived here all my life and from time to time, there will be someone open carrying in town. the police don't even bother cause they know its legal, when i went to town the first time they checked me out to make sure i was ok(not drunk, and ran a background check to be sure i could legaly own and carry the gun) when i passed, they said they would make a note so i wouldn't be bothered again. now i go just about everywhere, but i would like to get my conceal carry permit. thanks for any help.

May 25, 2009, 11:48 AM #1
old fart

Join Date: May 24, 2009
Posts: 32 which gun to use??


i recently got a good deal from my gun shop, i traded my charters for rugers. i have a sp101 3 inch stainless, and a gp100 4 inch blue, my question is which should i carry and which to keep at home? i will be carrying on farm, hikes, and carrying open here in kentucky, the other gun will stay at home in case someone there needs it. i would also like to know which ammo would be best for 4 legged, and two legged varmints? thanks for any help.

I'm confused. You already have these guns!

What up Old Fart, are you trolling?
I'm confused. You already have these guns!

What up Old Fart, are you trolling?

Then there are posters who write queries completely unassociated with the thread's origin, in this case, querying another poster not of the statisitcs of hit and run posting, but on the content of the post.

You don't actually expect old fart to find this thread and respond to you, do you? He isn't likely to find it using the statistics information about his threads because this isn't his thread.
You don't actually expect old fart to find this thread and respond to you, do you? He isn't likely to find it using the statistics information about his threads because this isn't his thread.

I was just using this as an example of using the statistic feature. I remember him from before and got curious, so I checked him out.

He says he doesn't have these gun now, but he had them before though.:rolleyes: