Do you ever "Brief case" carry?

Prof Young

New member
Have cause to go to St. Louis about twice a month and frequently bring stuff in a brief case. Usually on those occasions I bring my Springfield XDE in the zipper side pocket of the case. The case is with me for the entire evening and there is little chance I'll forget it as my computer comes in and out of it as I come and go. This is different than carrying in a "man bag." In the days when I used to carry a "man bag" I forgot the thing more than once. (Never with a gun in it.)

If I'm not bringing my briefcase it's waist band, vest or pocket carry depending on the weather.

Anyone else here carry in a brief case?

Life is good.

Prof Young
I have occasionally carried in my laptop case. I guess that doubles as a briefcase. Usually, it's just in the side pocket of my duffle bag that I use at work.

In the past, it has been my Taurus PT111, G2 but lately has been my EZ380

If you are allowed to conceal carry, I believe the best place would be on your body. A brief case can easily be snatched away and is almost certainly going to be slower to draw from than on your body. While it has not happened yet, it is much easier to set down a bag and leave it than a gun that is strapped to your body. Also, you never know who can access your bag while you are not with it (kids).
If you are allowed to conceal carry, I believe the best place would be on your body. A brief case can easily be snatched away and is almost certainly going to be slower to draw from than on your body...
This. If I can carry legally, it's concealed and on body.

I found that with careful selection of equipment (ie. the right holster, with good clips and belt), I can quite comfortably conceal my 9mm Shield with business casual dress and a tucked shirt. I do it often.

That said, I have carried my AR-15 pistol in a laptop backpack (as backup to and in combination with my on-body handgun), mostly just to see if it was practical and to test the concept in the real world, just in case I ever felt the need to do so.
Off body carry of you primary defensive gun is almost alwas a bad idea.

Too hard to access when you need it most. Easy to lose control over. Just not the best option.

A good carry system (belt and holster matched) provide a better defensive response, weapons retention, just a better way to acomplish the task at hand. The gun is not a talisman to ward off evil doers. It MUST be able to be deployed QUICKLY in response to a threat or its useless.
I use a carry briefcase,,,

I use a carry briefcase,,,
I got it from Gun Toten Mamas.


This has on two occasions allowed me to have my hand on my gun without drawing when I sensed something might be about to happen.

I wear the strap (which has a steel cable in it) cross body,,,
I can slip my hand in the pocket when I'm walking to my car after dark.

Yes, on-body would be better in most every case,,,
But when ultra discretion is required,,,
This bag works very well.


A brief case can easily be snatched away and is almost certainly going to be slower to draw from than on your body.

I agree with the above, especially the part about being grabbed.
I am fortunate, I reckon, that during my working career, I never had to carry a brief case, purse, fanny pack or anything to encumber me as I went.

Bob Wright
I haven't. My most common carry is IWB, and I have a pocket pistol for when IWB isn't feasible. Briefcases and bags don't have a niche for me.

Aarond's looks nice. Seems like it would be a trade off for bigger pistol with slower access in the briefcase versus a pocket pistol with somewhat quicker access, although accessing a pocket pistol from a sitting position in particular is nothing like quick. I can see something like that working if you were at a desk for long periods and have it next to your feet.
Sort of, It's a day planner but same concept. Used this carry for years .

And don't forget the Sneaky Pete Cell Phone Case/Holster ...that's my favorite !

Anyone else here carry in a brief case?

I have and occasionally do. In other bags as well. Including tool bags, tool boxes, gym bags, a man bag (it's a purse, just call it a purse), a back pack, a paper sack, etc.

Used to use a regular brief case as my carry box. My hand guns still live in it. However, it's not a place to carry a defensive firearm.
"...It's a day planner..." That's a notebook with a calendar. One made of paper and sometimes has lines for you to write on. snicker.
"...a man bag..." Used by Graves Registration. AKA Body Bag. A man bag is usually over your shoulder and made of leather. That's a purse. snicker.
I have a sneaky pete. It looks like it has a back up power supply in it. I put my Micro 9 in it when I am driving. Easier to grab If I need than a holster.

I have a Man purse that usually has a P238 in the out side pocket. Can get it if I need it. Not a problem leaving it behind, I know what is in it. :) I also have a computer bag for my Chrome Book. Drop a carry gun in there if needed.
I have a Dillon Plan B note book. I usually carry my Smith 637 in it.

I have this that is FAR better than sneaky pete. Micro 9 fits in it too. I do not always carry it on my belt. I tell my girlfriend its a "Clutch" .

The rest of the time, its on my person.

After Hurricane Irma blew through last year, I carried a second gun in a small "camera bag" that looks kind of like a "murse". I put my Sig P229 with 2 extra mags in it. It held my larger flashlights and spare battery packs for my phone as well. Under those conditions, I really didn't care what people thought. Under normal conditions, I prefer not to carry a "murse". LOL