Do you carry cash?

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In The Ten Ring

New member
I don't always but I'm glad I did Friday. City power flickered a couple of times, the theater's credit card system failed and if you didn't have cash, you didn't see the movie.

I had cash and watched "Death Wish." I won't spoil it for you guys though.

Do you carry cash? Are you secretive about it?
Is this thread something in relevance to carrying case and getting robbed?

Really no ones business if I carry cash, I am not being a smart a%^ either.

Lets put it this way, I have some spare cash to perform any reasonable transaction just in case some debit card system is down.

Most of the time I use the debit card.
Yes I just about always carry cash - pretty typically since you can pull cash at many stores now for free, if I do not have $100 in my wallet I take cash back whenever shopping for other things. Also very typically I pay for things at small stores in cash because I pay enough damn taxes for both of us - local convenience store, getting a haircut, restaurants/bars (I always tip cash no matter what), tackle shop, gun shop, all those sorts of places.

Not sure what this pertains to but I'm not too worried about getting robbed, not just because where I live but generally the $100 I've got on my person I don't care - brandish a weapon and you can have it no resistance is worth it for me over that. Was selling a boat last year and I did specifically arm up on the way out the door to meet the guy, thinking I'd be carrying around 5 figures on my way to the bank - for that I'm prepared to resist, but that's a whole lot different.
It does have a small bearing on tactical matters. I don't carry cash, sometimes carry a twenty or the remains of one because I don't want to use my debit card for a coke. I carry a debit card, two different visas.

All of the cards are theft protected. The most that I can lose in a robbery is a worn out wallet, a twenty, and a picture of my wife. There is absolutely no motivation to take the risk just to save the wallet or wristwatch. If I have to defend myself it's going to be because of a threat to my life, and seeing my house payment going into another guy's pocket would seriously disrupt my thinking.
Tend to agree with you briandg, seeing my house payment going into somebodies pocket would piss me off badly but the money is not worth killing for. I'd probably end up in prison for it and lose the house anyway for a bad shoot.
I'd submit the question has a major bearing on tactics and personal safety.

Handing / dropping $20-100 cash to the perp / on the ground / into wind when a thug has a knife or gun on you changes the situational dynamics likely past their expected outcome.

Drop the money and assess / retreat / defend / destroy. More options than you had 10 seconds before.
Yes, I always carry a little cash for emergencies. I have noticed some businesses are no longer accepting cash as a way of minimizing the risk of robbery. Since most people now use plastic eliminating the need to handle cash is one less headache.
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