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Futo Inu

New member
Regarding the multiple-level gun control contained in the "juvenile justice" bill-

Per yesterday's GOA alert:

Write three snail mail letters - one to your federal house congressperson, and one to each of your two fed senators (get their snail mail addys from the links at if need be). Tell them you want NO COMPROMISE GUN CONTROL PROVISIONS in the the juvenile crime bill (H.R. 1501 / S. 254).

We are in real danger of this stuff passing. Here is an excerpt showing what provisions Henry Hyde, Orrin Hatch, and others have in it right now:

"While different drafts are being discussed, all have one thing in common-- they all contain gun control. One of the main sticking points is a waiting period requirement for private sales at gun shows. According to the New York Times, "The latest Republican offer includes a provision giving [the FBI] 24 hours to conduct the mandatory background checks, unless that check turns up a disqualifying arrest.... In that event, the [FBI] would have three days to complete the check" and find out the final disposition of the arrest.

There are other proposals as well, including a young adult gun ban, a trigger lock requirement, and an import ban on large-capacity ammo mags among other things."

We have to constantly let even pro-gun critters know how we feel, lest they succumb to the media blitz of the MPSs (mass public shootings).
...& if your elected officials are antigun, write them anyway and tell them to vote against the juvenile justice bill because it will allow the Ten Commandments to be posted in schools. Ask them to stand with the ACLU and vote against the bill. There is more than one way to skin a cat. ;-)
