Do Something...


New member
The lead singer of the Eagles, Don Henley, said in one song that "..a man with a briefcase can steal more then a man with a gun.." This is quite true, isn't it? The liberals in congress are constantly taking away our rights. We need to do something about it. I urge everyone to join the NRA, write letters to your congressmen, and vote for the proper figures. I don't think we are far enough in the ditch to start a rebellion, even though Thomas Jefferson once said, "A little rebellion is a good thing." But this isn't about liquor taxes, this is about the heart of American Liberty. The Brits don't have any guns, and they don't have any liberty, they just haven't found out yet. We need to do something. For suggestions...

"Those that give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
I agree wholeheartedly, and that's why I'm signing my wife up as an NRA member, even though she has no interest in guns whatsoever. There really is strength in numbers, especially with politicians who act as if this country is a simple democracy, which it's not, rather than the representative republic it is.

I hope that every person posting on TFL is a member of either the NRA, or the GOA, or both.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
One of my biggest fears is that Clinton will use Executive Order to further control guns. It would not surprise me if he actually banned them all together. . .

People don't realize that is isn't just about guns. . . it's about our Constitution

Ayn Rand should be required reading for TFL.

Republic? Not any more my friends. That ended a while ago. A Socialist Olagarchy is what we have now. A stable ruling class atop a Socialist economic system with an underclass of peasants.
We need a return to true Capitalism and a smaller less exclusive government. Not just the Fed, but state government reduction as well. Equaly important is a crackdown on corruption in general.

America, as you state, has become an oligarchy. The Socialist ruling class
was created by uniting Democrats and the Republicans against the
populace. Working largely together, their staged “pillow fights” mostly
involve how to subjugate our people. Working together, they have done
their best to void the Bill of Rights and (using confiscatory taxation,
registration, regulation, and legislation) destroy our individuality,
self-determination, self-reliance, and hope for rewards based on effort and
personal achievement.

However, even after all their efforts, the power of our government is
much more economic and psychological than final. If America “comes
awake” we can vote the buggers out! But, we must be at least 5% to
10% as brave as our Founding Fathers.

Our Founding Fathers pledged their all to create a government
subservient to the people. All *we* have to do is vote. But, we must
vote for self-government rather than subservience, for freedom rather
than the current oligarchy.

Unfortunately, the main body of American voters is not prepared to do
that. Even those voters who recognize the truth and the danger, create
“wait ‘till next election” red-herrings to prevent America from experiencing
a new birth of freedom.

Let’s agree that the Democrats represent totalitarian rule and we must
fight them. No problem there.

However, we are told to vote for Republicans (rather than voting for
freedom) because the Republicans will then choose Supreme Court
Justices more to our liking. This fallacious argument totally ignores the
types of Constitutionalist judges who would be selected by the

We are told to vote for Republicans because the Libertarians are not
“viable”. Libertarians are not “viable” because we vote for the Republican
wing of the Democrat/Republican oligarchy. We dare not vote Libertarian
because not enough people vote Libertarian so we dare not vote
Libertarian, etc. etc. I believe this circular reasoning is the single greatest
proof that we are doomed to subservience.

Politicians refuse to represent a bunch of hesitant rebels; therefore
freedom can not attract a champion - (if you prefer) a “viable” candidate.

George, there are many guillotines and they currently are controlled by
our government. The guillotines of directives, Executive Orders,
regulations and laws are largely designed to politically disempower our
populace. And we, as a nation, continue to vote out of fear and select the
“lesser evil”.

Unless and until Americans vote for what is right, rather than supporting
only what is “less wrong”, we will continue our slippery slide into
All of what you said is true. The war between the DNC and GOP is nothing more than a few turf squables within the same RPC.
A massive Republican electorial victory would not loosen our chains one bit. I haven't forgotten the flacid "Republican Revolution". All they managed to acomplish was a smooth sell-out to the general will of the Media Wing of the RPC.
I also endorse the Libertarian Party. It would be wise for this body, TFL, to rally behind this party. Even if one knows almost nothing about the LP, know this: The Libertarian Party is not the RPC!The Libertarian platform is not congruant with the continuance of an oligarchy.
The following is part of a posting on another topic on this board that I wrote:

As much as I hate to say it, fundamental reform, regardless of which party is in power, is a pipe dream. The best we can hope for with this bunch is to delay the inevitable decline into totalitarianism as long as possible.

The real problem isn't political, it's philosophical. Until the idea that each individual has a right to live his own life without interference (as long as they aren't infringing on anyone else's rights), and that
no individual has a right to another's property (regardless of need) is believed by a majority of the voters in this country, then there is no real hope that freedom will survive.

The above will continue to be true until the sanctity of the individual is upheld as the highest ideal, rather than the idea of the sanctity of the group (socialism) as the highest ideal, which is what we have now.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
Does this men we need to start shootin? Like another Civil War. Maybe its not quite that bad, yet. think about it, most of the military people are shooters and they would fight with us, not against us. Who would we shoot first? Would we declare our motives and shoot the people who didn't convert? Not just about guns, but about freedom.

"Those that give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"You can steal more with a briefcase than a gun." Don Corleone to Tom Hagen. From the GODFATHER. Spoken when Hagen said he wanted to work for Don Corleone.
Paul B.
Seriously, what good will it do us to write anyone or protest anything? This is NOT an Democracy, a republic, or even an aristocracy. Oligarchy would be close, but I think it's probably some sort of Corporate-Run state. Doesn't that make sense? It should be obvious. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference what any of us do. In any given situation, the "Powers That Be" let things go on that don't affect their hold on power. If it did, it would be stopped. Immediately. The only reason we are even allowed to discuss any of this crap is that we are not a threat, not even in the slightest. The phrasenet is on, and if we said anything that was even mildly dangerous, we'd be gone before it hit. What's more dangerous than a briefcase or a gun? A wallet.

I'm not a vegetarian because I like animals.
I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants
Rant mode on: Voting on election day is not going to accomplish anything! When you vote all you have done is validate the public pronounces of a preselected candidate. If you were a delegate to a parties national convention your vote has already been cast. If you were a delegate to a state convention your vote has already been cast. I hear all you folks talking about how we must "vote the SOB's out come next November". Makes a real feel-good statement but it ain't going to happen.

If all approximately 3500 TFLers voted for the same candidate it would be like pissing in the ocean. Not going to change the taste!

Now, if you are really serious and want to change things in a non-violent matter (may vary from state to state), grab your partner, your voting age kids, your mom, dad, brothers, sisters and your friends and go to your local precinct meeting and control the thing. Make all these people delegates to your county convention. If enough do this all the way up the ladder, come election time your vote will count. But if all you're going to do is just wander into the voting booth come next November, mad as hell and vowing to get all them - then be prepared to bend over 'cause here it comes again. When you vote for the lesser of 2 (or 3 Dennis) your still voting for evil.

Mode off:
hey there anthony. i agree with you completely. its nice to finally see another young person with the views and beliefs i have. keep it up and dont let liberals change you.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me
Phil 4:13

(grin) Okay. I'll bite.

I surely agree that the pre-selected offerings of the Democrats and Republicans are only flip sides of the same coins. But, as you know (and goaded me into saying ;)), when the third party says ALL gun laws are unconstitutional I *DO* believe that's a difference from the parties which have given us between 20,000 and 25,000 intrusive, ineffective gun laws.

(So there! :))

Westex, have a Merry Christmas! :D :D
westex, You have the floor sir. (This is NOT a sarcastic response :) .Please provide the members of TFL with your knowledge of the practical opportunities of local party politics. Specifically: 1.How can we as a small local group control the thing at the local precinct level? 2.If we are to do this all the way up, how specifically is it done? Just looking to make a difference. Thanks.

You didn't ask me, but as a former Republican Party city committee chairman (and grassroots organizer for several campaigns at the state and local level), I would like to respond.

In our system, the bottom line is bodies at the polling place, whether that be a local election for your political party's governing board or for the presidency. I've seen it done, and it's a wonder to behold. Here in Virginia, we got Ollie North on the ballot that way. We simply rounded up a ton of folks for the state covention and cast the ballots for him, and he won the nomination. That didn't stop John Warner from recruiting a third party candidate and helping Chuck Robb get back to the Senate, but the bottom line is that you CAN have a HUGE effect on even a state-wide election IF you do the work. That's the hard part.

Best way I can describe it is this: You MUST be in it for the long haul. You MUST find a handful of committed, like-minded folks who you can count on 1000%. Then, you go for it. You talk to people 1-on-1. You make your case to them. The best way to do that is to ask them questions that force them to think. If you simply spout off your beliefs to them, then they will spout theirs right back at you and a wall goes up. But if you ask questions, you get inside their heads. It works. Believe me.

Remember the old Suave shampoo commercials? "I told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on..."

That's how it's played.

And it CAN be done.
G-Freeman I wrote a reply to your questions but deleted it after reading it because it was too vague. I'll try again and try to be more specific.

I have been politically active since I was in high school. Couldn't vote but being raised with a real old "state rights" democrat as a father it came easy. I jumped ship after reading Conscience of a Conservative by Goldwater. As my late father told me, "Son, I didn't leave the party, it left me".

I was very active politically in the 60's, 70's and 80's and keep a small hand in at times lately. Attended 3 national conventions as both a delegate and/or an alternate. I was priviledged to see the national media "up close and personal" at times and it wasn't a pretty sight! Like making sausage.

But I'm wandering off the subject here, excuse me. Let me present a scenerio that may illustrate what I was talking about.

Assume you live in a town with 10,000 registered voters and its's split 50/50% politically. Of the 5000 voters in your party probably only about 3-400 will bother to attend their precinct meetings. They think after they voted it's all over. Wrong! It hasn't even stated.

At your precinct, usually attended by 10 to 12 old line party faithful, you and 20 of your like minded friends appear and vote yourselves very nicely (remember you need their support, money and votes come election time) into running the precinct meeting and elect yourselves to be delegates to the county convention. That's all there is to it. If that's done in the majority of the precincts of your county you and your like-minded friends control the county organization. If it's done in the majority of the counties in your state you and your friends control the state organization. Real simple right? Then the real door knocking, telephone bank running, fund raising, fun begins. You do it well and you kick butt come election time. You mess up and you get exactly what you deserve come November - a chance to vote for candidates put there by people who did exactly what I described and didn't mess up. They got their people out at the bottem to get their people in at the top.

For good examples of working the system as it's set up look at the Goldwater defeat in 1964 and the Reagan victory in 1980. Epecially interesting is what happened between 1976 and 1980.

Merry Christmas to all and remember deer season is closed for tonight only

Westex and Bob Locke, Thanks for the responses. I've been there and agree. Hope you folks stick around. You are needed here in the practical debate :). Merry Christmas.