Do something for RKBA today!

Fred S

New member
Today I read the chapter in "Unintended Consequences" entitled 'June 26, 1994. It got me all fired up. I'm convelescing from recent surgery, but I just had to do something, as the book motivated me. So I went downstairs, plulled out the latest request for a donation from the NRA (the one from NRA-ILA asking us to send in cards to CBS and not watch CBS news during the sweepes. I wrote out a $20 check and sent it in along with cards to CBS.

Its small thing, but every rifle in squad counts ladies and gentlemen.

Take my lead and follow me! Do something today to fight for RKBA, send $ to the NRA, GOA or JPFA. or write all cll your represenatives, either stae or federal.. or take kid shooting and teach him/her firearms saftey and the joy of shooting.

Support me on the flanks. When you've done your action, post it here and inspire others.
OK Fred, you convinced me.

I am sending in yet another renewal of my membership. Another $35 will keep me a member through 2003.

I'm the NRA.
I'm doing my part.

Ouch! I hurt myself patting my own back ;)


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
My long-distance company gives 10% of my monthly LD bill to GOA.

Tuesday night, I made a 7-hour call (evening and night rates) to New Zealand.

GOA oughta be damn happy with *that* chunk o' change. :)

"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
During the local CCW class (next one Saturday and Sunday), I speak about RKBA awareness before lunch. Your post inspired me to redo my notes and print out all of the F*** you letters from Fienstein and Boxer. Thanks, now if I can only motivate the apathetic...(hence, the *.sig)

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.

[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited October 22, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited October 22, 1999).]
after the Wednesday MD attorny general announcement i sent GOA a check for 20 bucks...

here is what we are up against...
As the second part of his blueprint, Curran proposes several measures to assist law enforcement efforts to reduce criminal homicides and
firearm injury. Pointing out the inconsistency of allowing people to own handguns simply on their own "say-so" that they are mentally
stable and non-violent, while we do extensive investigations of people who want a permit to carry a handgun, Curran calls for fingerprint
licensing and training of everyone wishing to own a gun. To obtain a license, people should be found, on the basis of an investigation, not
to have a "propensity for violence," and they should provide evidence of being qualified and trained in the use of handguns.

i guess since this AG's comments make me want to spank him, i don't get to own a gun...


[This message has been edited by dZ (edited October 22, 1999).]