Do revolvers look "friendlier?"


New member
Wierd question, I admit, but to my prejudicial eye, revolvers look less threatening than semis.

Anyone else see it this way?

I think it is just the association with playing cowboys as a kid.
Not a weird question at all I don't think.

My wife agrees with you. She says semi's remind her of death, but loves the look of my stainless vaquero. That being said, it's a lot easier for me to get a revolver purchase past her! I like semi's but for some reason, I always end up trying to empty the mag as fast as possible. That's why I have a stainless model 60.

Maybe it all goes back to Barney Fife (sp?), he wouldn't hurt a flea.
I would have to disagree. My autoloaders look sleek, but my Taurus .357 with the ported 2" barrel looks absolutely sinister, especially when you look at the business end where the hollowpoints stare at you from the cylinder. I would say that wheelguns have a higher intimidation factor than autos because you can see the ammo that might just end up in your anatomy.
Dunno...the only semi I've ever thought looked scarier than my Redhawk .44 mag is a Desert Eagle .50

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Actually, I agree in a way. My personal guess is that revolvers, lever action and bolt action rifles, and shotguns will be the last firearms to be banned / confiscated ...
One of the first firearms I ever bought was a Universal M-1 carbine. This was right after I got off of active duty and I had moved back in with good old Mom & Dad. (We're talking ca 1969-70 here). Mom raised all kinds of dust over that carbine, said it looked "wicked" and "just like the gun that killed Kennedy" (?????). Funny thing is, this was the only gun of mine that she ever saw that she made a comment like that about.

My wife, who qualified as Marksman in the Army, loves to shoot, and can shoot everything I've got but my .25-06 Ruger much better than me, thinks my little S&W 36 looks like "a criminal's weapon". She loves the Model 60, though. Go figure.