'Do not come in! I have a gun

Good illustration incident, IMHO. Intended victim was armed with a handgun, and because the victim was so armed she was able to protect herself from an attacker. And yet, no shots were fired. She used her head. Good for her.:D

Demonstrated that self defense with a firearm does not necessarily involve spilled blood.

Demonstrated that at least that one gun didn't kill -- so could it be that the old plattitude about "Guns Kill" isn't necessarily true?:eek: ;)

Mas Ayoob claims in "Stress Fire" that at least 13 out of 14 encounters (LEO and civilian) do not require firing a handgun.

Since this type of statistic is difficult if not impossible to verify, one would have to take it on faith, but it does indicate that the majority of encounters don't require shooting. We just hear about the sensational ones...

"Reality set in.." I bet it did!!:D Too bad he didn't continue coming in...one less BG on the street.

Good thing she was packin and had a good head on her shoulders. Rape, robbery, murder....who knows what she stopped from happening to herself.

Way to go, 10 points!
The woman acted appropriately, intelligently, and well within the law it seems to me. It's been my experience (three times in the last 30 years!), that merely having a weapon and making it clear one is quite prepared to use it if necessary, is sufficient in itself to deter an attack. That should not, of course, be relied upon as an absolute, and if a weapon is drawn one must be mentally prepared to use it and practiced enough to hit what is shot at. Still, it is nonetheless true that most criminals want easy victims, not armed ones. Getting drilled with a .45 is not part of the game plan! :D
Yes, sometimes even the threat of a firearm works.

About three years ago, a buddy of mine heard his doorbell ring at 12:30 in the morning. His wife went to answer the door and my buddy yelled out, "Don't you Dare answer that door without a gun in your hand." They then heard at least two people running away.
The deterrence statistics is not from Ayoob and it is well documented in the criminological literature. Look at the writings of Dr. Gary Kleck for instance.

There is actually scholarly work on this. Much of it is presented at the American Society for Criminology and presented in various referred journals.

Ayoob is a secondary source. It's funny that many of the things he says have a basis in the academic literature but folks just read gun rags and think he is making stuff up.