"Do "Gun-Free" Zones Encourage School Shootings?"


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Here's a great column by Larry Elder in Human Events:

Do "Gun-Free" Zones Encourage School Shootings?
by Larry Elder
Posted: 10/18/2007


Here are a few excerpts:

"Do shooters consider schools "gun-free zones"? Do they consider it unlikely that any authority figure -- whether teachers or, in some cases, security guards -- poses an armed threat? But in some school shooting cases, guns helped to end shooting sprees and minimize loss of life and injury."

"Israel gets it. Since the 1970s, on school campuses in Israel, policy requires teachers and parent aides to arm themselves with semi-automatic weapons. The result? School shootings have plummeted to zero."

There's much more. Enjoy.
I doubt that they have any effect at all on school shootings. Since school shootings seem to be target specific, whether or not a school is posted one way or another won't be an issue.
You should also disabuse your self of the chimera of teachers packing guns. Most are liberal anti gun folks, and would not be caught dead, so to speak, carrying a gun.
I don't know that "gun free zones" encourage shootings but I do know for a fact that they won't discourage shootings. To me, it's almost like posting a sign on the door at your local Quicky-Mart saying;

"We keep more that $200 in cash and employees have the key to the safe."
I believe that stateing" Gun Free Zone" does tell criminals that they are safe to carry out thier plan until the police (more guns) arrive to work to put a stop to the criminals. No it does not start the intent but it provides a safer place for criminal actions. Most are not intending to survive thier actions, it is a revenge/ death wish. You openly state to self-centered people that they can do what they please. Bad people only control themselves out of fear. Honest people aren't going to do evil when armed. Many honest people have been thrown into legal trouble because of carelessness, children who forget they have a weapon, pocket knife, leatherman, on thier person or a rifle or shotgun in the car or truck. These are "feel good laws" and really don't do any good for society or protect the children.
yeah, school shootings tend to be either emotionally charged events or a really dilusional person...so I think. I don't thing they encourage these types of bad guys, but I do believe that robberies are encouraged by the "only bad guys and cops will be armed" signs.

I was a teacher (middle school) for 26 years, 23 of them in public school, and I have to admit that you're right. Most teachers are liberal/leftist Democrats that recoil at the thought of being armed in the classroom. A few (e.g., me) might be willing, though, and that would help. A bigger problem would be overcoming the resistance of the teachers' unions, which are virtually wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Democratic Party.
Start purging the academic environment of liberalism. Insist via PTA and school boards that leftist teachers not be hired.
Mannlicher: ...You should also disabuse your self of the chimera of teachers packing guns. Most are liberal anti gun folks, and would not be caught dead, so to speak, carrying a gun.

cnorman18: ... Most teachers are liberal/leftist Democrats...

I'm a teacher and heartily disagree with the "most are liberals" tag. I don't remember the source but I've seen a poll that indicated teachers pretty much reflect the liberal or conservative makeup of their community. Urban teachers tended to be the most liberal and rural the most conservative. Conservative vs liberal leanings in teachers matched up almost identically with the whole Red State vs. Blue State thing.

I teach in Collin County, Texas, probably the most conservative county in Texas. My school district actually extends into Dallas County (probably the most liberal county in Texas). When local talk radio brings up the topic of "teachers with guns" it is overwhelmingly in favor of such a policy. State law and school district policy prohibit teachers from carrying firearms on school property. A box of .22's left in the back of my SUV is cause for dismissal. (Yes, the district has drug/gun/bomb dogs who can sniff out a single .22 shell.)

In my service department I work with two other men and fourteen women. Six of the women currently have concealed handgun licenses (soon to be seven). I would have never guessed, I found out one Friday when everyone was discussing weekend plans and I mentioned going to the gun range. Several spoke up and said they had gone as a group two weeks before. I would have never guessed. Six out of fourteen women who pack heat is pretty "un-liberal". Unfortunately they can't carry while on school property.

If state law gets changed to allow teachers to carry on campus, I'm sure there will be a training/qualification requirement. Maybe I get some free range time? :)

Oh.....don't for one minute think that being a liberal or leftist means they don't or won't carry guns. Liberals and leftist don't want ANYONE ELSE carrying a gun. You don't get much more "left" than Stalin, Mao or Rosie O'Donnell and those guys packed.