Do Glock pistols really mark the case special?


New member
I heard something about newer Glock pistols putting identifying marks on the bullet case so that every gun is unique and that the mark was going to be registered. Is it true?
Actually, almost any gun does the same thing. The chamber and breech face imprints are pretty unique to an individual pistol. The Glock also has a square firing pin strike, though I'm sure that there must be a couple of other striker fired pistols that also do that.
Well ALL semi-auto pistols "mark" the case uniquely. Any ballistics lab can tell you that. As for providing them for records, currently Maryland requires this for all new guns (I'm not sure how many makers are complying at this time - not many I beleive). New York is trying to pass legislation of this type (or may have passed it - since I don't intend to EVER live there I don't keep that up to date on the place).

Actually, revolvers mark cases as well, but since most revolver shooters don't leave any cases behind it becomes a moot point.
Thanks for replies

I just remember hearing something about Glock going to cater to only law enforcement and not actually pro civilian carry. Anyone heard such talk? I was looking at a model 27, but I am not going to buy a gun from a company not backing our gun rights.
I have not heard anything like that , and what I have heard of Glock has been pretty pro-gun. I'd get the 27 if it fits you well. I have one and really like it.
I havent heard anything like that about Glock either. In fact, I heard one of their company lawyers on the news after S&W signed their agreement with the government. He said Glock was offered a similar aggreement and turned it down.
its true and

Glock, while being the first, is not the only manufacturer "ballistically fingerprinting" its pistols. I know for a fact H&K is doing this also... I live in MS, not MD, so HK sent one piece of fired brass with my pistol... don't know where any other samples may reside-
Gimme a break. It would take only a couple minutes to change the so called ballistic fingerprint. A simple polishing of the breech face, a light file swipe (or sandpaper) across the tip of the firing pin, and fire lapping the barrel would take care of it. In fact, just sending the gun off for an action job would throw their little plan down the crapper.
Hadn't thought it through

Yes, I'd say you are right houndawg. Hadn't really thought about how easy it would be to change the gun's fingerprint.
no. 1 with the republicans in control you will never see printing a gun, they are snart enough to know it wont work no.2 if the dems ever did get it through then it would be ilegeal to customize your gun, and they know that would elininate some or the shooters rite thear. look what lead shot did to duck hunting
OK, I'll bite. What did banning lead shot do to duck hunting? With the current substitutes available, I don't see anyone seriously impacted.
The"ballistic fingerprint" is going to change over time do to normal wear in the chamber and breechface. A gun shot many thousands of times by one of us "gun nuts" is not the same gun that left the factory. Maybe the all knowing government types assume that the "bad guys" don't shoot or practice.
IIRC, for some time Glock has indeed been voluntarily participating in a pilot program where they supply a fired shell casing to ATF from each new gun produced.

Good thing I reload...

And I don't always use new brass, either. Most of the time, I scrounge from the local outdoor range (also known as the desert, here.).

That should foul them up pretty good, ja?
Unless you're planning on committing a crime with your handgun, then how does ballistic fingerprinting impact you?? I have old Glocks and new Glocks. Doesn't matter to me if somebody picks up my brass, other than the fact that I pick up my brass and reload as much of it as I can.

[Edited by WalterGAII on 01-03-2001 at 12:47 PM]
Well since that guy in michigan got charged with manslaughter for simply being the first one to own the gun (five years earlier) I don't believe the "if you don't commit a crime you have nothing to fear" line. People are being villified for even legally owning and selling firearms. If a crime is committed and the cops want a scapegoat, any convienient gun-owner will do, just as was proven with the michigan case.
john carney,

The number of duck hunters has not diminished appreciably, and in many areas of the country, has actually gone up.