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do emoticons slow down resources?


Member In Memoriam

Wondering what drain on the resources there might be using some of those from "off-site" & I don't want to be stupid w/'em.

Any dos or don'ts?
Do use your best judgement.
Don't be stupid with them. :D;)

AFAIK, they are not a burden on the storage capacity or the transfer speed of TFL's server. However, they do slow down load times for everyone who loads a page on which they appear. I would recommend using them judiciously.

Any other thoughts Rich? Shaun?
If you are using emoticons from off site, as in an image link to another site, then they have NO effect on the TFL server. The only thing this is going to affect is load times for the pages that are displaying them.

The emoticons that are installed for the TFL software range from 120-160 bytes, and load in about 1 second over a 28.8 connection. But if everyone is using 10 of them, and you have 25 posts it is going to add up.

Generally it is best to keep all graphics to a minimum, but using them every once in a while isn't going to hurt anything.

You also need to keep in mind that when you put an image link to another site it is going to use their bandwidth, which might make someone angry.

My advice would be to avoid stealing graphics/emoticons from other sites and stick with the few that are installed here, but we won't get mad if you ignore that advice.
OK. Fine line (sometimes) between "best judgement" & "not stupid."

Are these emoticons (uh) trademarked (whatever) in that they are proprietory? I'd assume that since they're on the 'net, they are "free use?" AND, if so, are they something that can be added to TFL's list of "TFL on-site nifty things?"

Reason I'm asking is some of the more animated emoticons show up here & there, some folks have asked "how you do that!?" & some of 'em are pretty cool.

BUT, figured I'd ask here (as it doesn't appear to get near the traffic & wanted it somewhat "seceret" - yeah, right). Didn't want to see TFL go dumb with all the "private pix" of everyone & certainly don't want to have any adverse impact.

Using 'em here & there seem to spice up a reply but, as with "some sighting posts," could go overboard in a real hurry.
The next software release has a better facility for importing emoticons. It's currently in Beta and stable release is expected within a few weeks. Once we install that and get it running smoothly, we'll be able to add custom emoticons if popular demans requires it.
Now that I've got 500+ posts under my belt..

...do I get to access some of those really cool emoticons, like the jaw drop, the exploding head, etc?? I hope I hope!