DNC Poll

John Hunter

New member
The DNC Webpage has the following poll:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>All the Republican candidates for president favor weakening the laws that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children. Do you support or oppose strengthening gun safety laws, like trigger locks and background checks?
You can vote Support
Don't Know

the url is http://www.democrats.org/index.html
Please drop in and let them know what you think ;)

John - NRA - Lifer
Jesus, what a lame site. Bush-said-this Bush-did-that Bush-sucks. Give it a rest, DNC.

If I wanted to help these zeebs, I'd suggest they focus on their own candidates' strengths.

Oh, silly me. Bore and Badly don't HAVE any strengths, in the context of the Yewnited States.

And the poll doesn't show current tallies. Gosh, I wonder why?

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Coinneach:
And the poll doesn't show current tallies. Gosh, I wonder why?
LOL So do I, This poll will soon vanish like their last one did. It was a poll asking:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
"As the nation approaches a new millennium, what are the most important priorities facing our next president?" Voters can choose from the following responses:

1. Saving Social Security, strengthening Medicare, and paying down the debt.

2. Implementing George W. Bush's $1.7 trillion risky tax scheme that overwhelmingly benefits the wealthy.

3. Other.
The response was at 81.9 percent of respondents had chosen Bush's "risky" tax cut. DNC spokeswoman Jenny Backus suggested that Newt Gingrich had nothing better to do these days and was voting multiple times.

Then the poll and all results just vanished. Guess they had a computer glitch. RIGHT!

John - NRA - Lifer
  • It was gone before I could vote <LI> Social Security cannot be saved, it is a Ponzi scheme and illegal everywhere but DC. Medicare is the threshold of socialized medicine. (see Canada for its North American triumph) <LI> GW heading tax reform is like Clinton leading the moral majority. We will all perform the act under the table and still get kicked in the forehead. A Democrat says a tax cut is risky and we should avoid it like a fiscal prophylactic. GW says you won't feel a thing. No thanks. <LI> other. Freedom loving Americans get screwed. sorry, trying to learn UBB.
I just tried to vote and got a message that said I had already voted, please vote only once. Huh? First time I've been there!
Looks like they're trying to rig it. :mad:
Same here, they claim I already voted. Hope they can't repeat this stunt in November!

Teach a non-shooter to shoot. Educate a voter.
The only polls that count are the ones in November 2000. I hope that everyone on this site is registered to vote and will vote. All too many gun people don't care enough to vote. They babble about the Second Amendment, and no one will take their guns, and they got rights, and on and on and on. Then they tell you they don't vote, have never voted, and don't give a damn about voting, and don't want to "get involved" in politics.

I refuse to even discuss the gun issue with anyone who is that stupid and ignorant.

I don't care if the pro-gun guy is not perfect. I don't care about positions on health care or gay rights. I have been forced to become a one-issue voter. And, while I may like some third party candidate, I will not vote that way because I will be throwing my vote to the anti-gunners.

If it is the lesser of two evils, I will vote for the smaller devil. But I will vote.

Will you?


P.S. If you are one of the non-voters, I don't want to hear any of your explanations. There are none.

I just tried to vote and was also told I had already voted, sounds like they are trying to control the vote. Doesn't suprise me !!!

Politics Headlines

Tuesday January 4 2:20 PM ET

Web Vote Leaves Democrats With Red Faces

DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - An Internet poll staged by the Democratic National Committee left the party with red faces on Tuesday when the vote went heavily in favor of Republican presidential front-runner George W. Bush.

The DNC runs a weekly nonbinding, nonscientific Internet poll on its Web site.

This week's question was, ``As the nation approaches a new millennium, what are the most important priorities facing our next president?''

Respondents were offered the following options: ``Saving Social Security, strengthening Medicare, and paying own the debt or implementing (Texas Gov.) George W. Bush's $1.7 trillion risky tax scheme that overwhelmingly benefits the wealthy?''

As of Tuesday afternoon the result was a overwhelming win for the ``risky'' Bush tax plan. The results were:
Saving Social Security etc......447 votes or 22.3 percent
Implementing Bush's cuts.......1446 votes or 72.2 percent Other...........................110 votes or 5.5 percent

Party spokeswoman Jenny Backus speculated that former Republican House (of Representatives) Speaker Newt Gingrich had nothing better to do and was voting multiple times.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I wonder as to how many people stay up till god knows when, thinking up such dumb statements, not to mention stupid questions?

Do they get paid time and .5 to do this?
I was just at that website. The only options today are Democrat-biased(no, not -based) choices. Hmmmm, I guess that's one way to get poll results you can publish.
These stupid little internet polls DO count. They ARE important!

First, I realize these little polls do NOT elect anyone - so skip that theme.

These polls show what is important to many people - perhaps not ALL the people and surely not the vast majority of Americans who are not on the internet.

However, these polls shape opinions not only in the political parties but with voters.

If we ignore these polls, it will look as though Americans WANT gun control.

IFthese polls show:
- We want Alan Keyes rather than the imitation Texan.
- We want NO gun control.
- We want LESS government intrustion into our business and private lives, etc.

THEN the politicians will have a greater tendency to pay attention to what WE want.

Will they renege later? Could be! Then we stab their reputations with their previous promises and reveal them to be liars.

If we wait until "the only poll that counts", we have lost a great chance to put some pressure on the brown shirts.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
My vote was accepted. But the poll question is like the old question, "Are you still beating your wife? Yes or No." There is no good answer. Either choice implies we are in favor of the existing laws and they just want to know whether we want them improved or not.
Well I see the gun poll has vanished with no way of checking what the results were. Why am I NOT surprised?

John - NRA - Lifer
Still no poll results... I guess when things dont go the way they want to they just make it disappear.

Something that really ticks me off... http://www.democrats.org/outreach/index.html

What about an outreach for Americans who cant (and dont want to) be classed into a "Special Interest Group" or "Minority Interest Group"

What ever happened to "all men were created equal" (not to exclude women, I think they were talking about mankind.)


Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."