DIY Home firearm improvement!

Pond James Pond

New member
My OC (occasional carry) is a little snub. The bluing is pretty uniform, but there are a few spots where the finish has been marred by a little corrosion.

Are there any techniques that the very challenged home smith, with next to no materials can apply to try and improve the looks?

It doesn't affect the gun's performance, but I do like the gun, so if I could make it look better, then splendid!
There is nothing that works well. Should you decide to refinish the gun, a better finish may be in order. Nickel or hard chrome plating possibly.
Hmmm.... I thought the OP was not so cryptic. Nickel or hard chrome plating?!?

How am I supposed to do that at home?! :eek:

I was thinking more polish and re-blue type activities!
Maybe look at this as maintenance, use a cold blueing product. They don't hold up to wear very well but for a couple of dollars you get a tube that will last a little while. Perhaps only blue it for special occasions. Not the best but it's something.
Beware the owner of a well worn gun. That means it gets used.

Most of my guns have dings and dents and holster wear. It just adds character.
Beware the owner of a well worn gun. That means it gets used.

Most of my guns have dings and dents and holster wear. It just adds character.

Kinda like the farmer with the dirty sweatstained hat ...... he's workin' ...... the guy with the shiny new duds is "all hat and no cattle".....
Cold bluing doesn't really work. Therefore, complete refinishing is the only viable option. Rust, or express, bluing is easily done at home, as is nickel plating.