Divided: pendulum will not forever swing


New member
Gun rights; my only voting issue.

Litmus test for clear thinking: If a politician cannot understand the 2nd, how can they be expected to understand other more complex issues facing us?

Voting for your rights?

Or not?

Those, sadly, ARE the only two choices; no other issues exist (regardless of how one may feel about continued war, or global warming, or universal health care, or taxation, or whatever).

PS If you don't vote you don't count.
For me, all issues can be discussed in gun terms. It's hard to explain this to others, but it looks like you and I are on the same plane.
There are many important issues, but the gun-hating psychos who would flush the Bill of Rights down the toilet have changed that for me. I would vote for a puppy-killing, football hating, incestuous Martian if I thought he would preserve and protect the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
my journey

I'm not "conservative"; I'm not quite "liberal"; I am, however, capable of logic and reasoning.
I can learn from others; I have gotten wiser.

So I vote for "guns".
Considering we have a gun supporting president right now that is actively engaged in flushing the constitution down the toilet, I don't see protecting gun rights as any key to protecting the rest.
I see it as just the opposite. Candidates who say they support gun rights are just like those that say they support a right to life. They're just play their supporters for rubes. They don't give a sh!t about gun rights except for their own.
I agree , BUSh has not been the best of presidents, BUT>>
Look at what was put on his plate:

the terrorists that caused 9-11 where in place during Clintons reich.
This was caused by Clintons cutting up the military, and cutting Budgets to FBI , CIA and numerous other government organizations, I know, I was there.

When 9-11 happened, Bush did as I would do: Kick everyones ass in sight. He overthrew 2 problem governments and killed perhaps 10 thousand terrorists. Yes people have been killed, and so have soldiers, but compare this to earlier wars, about 50000 soldiers in Vietnam, Untold hundreds of thousands in WW2

Have we had any other terrorist problems in the US in 7 years nearly--NOPE

Has a Nuke went off since-- Nope

Have our taxes increased--Nope

Is Sodamn INSANE still alive-- NOPE

Have we lost our rights to bear Arms---NOPE

Has Alqaida been able to relocate un checked--- NOPe

Granted , he hasent been the best pres, but Clinton started this CRAP by cutting the military to pieces, Hillary will do the same damn thing, and she was in office already for 8 years, wether officially or not, she had alot of influence.

People that think like I do.

Think, not feel.

Rights are absolute. Non-negotiable.

If I cannot trust you with my 2A RKBA, trust you to respect the constitution as it was written, trust you to not infringe ANY of my rights, even for what you percieve as my "safety", then you do not deserve my vote.

I have to vote for someone. Only one candidate even came close.

There are not many out there who are thinking properly.

The Second Amendment Absolutist