divide & conquer


New member
Sure we can have rallies and make noise but to what effect?

IMHO we need to wage a political fight in the ballot box.
pull no punches
We need to identify the 2nd amendment traitors, and inhibit the political continuation of the bastards.

i propose a campaign of Anybody but X...
Instead of supporting one candidate out of 4 or 5 in a race, we should campaign against the incumbent anti RKBAer.

They seem to think making a stand against guns is good for their careers.

Lets prove that wrong.

i can see Wanted for Treason posters, a Candidate X is wrong campaign, a vote for any of these people, but not him campaign.

Lets make the water hot in their pot!

Simple messages, not supporting a particular candidate but focused against a candidate.

Representative Smith
wants you
3 out of 4 violent criminals
are stopped by armed Americans
Don't let traitors keep you from
protecting your family.

I think this can work to bring out people that don't usually vote.

If we could stop 3-5 well placed anti RKBA politicians, the others might come to their senses and avoid the issue.

After all they like their cushy jobs.

doc Zox
The idea appeals to me, but I think the "treason" rhetoric would turn people off, put the pro-gun guy in a bad situation and perhaps create a "sympathy" vote.

That being said, I firmly believe in campaigning AGAINST somebody as much as campaigning FOR his opponent. There's a group of lawyers who are supposed to be doing some "guerilla" advertising that may be able to come up with some good ideas.

I understand that SOMEBODY in Kalif has been going around drawing chalk outlines of a
body and writing "unarmed victim" in it. This might be another Urban Legend, but it appeals to me. How you could tie something like that to an anti-gun politician poses an
interesting problem, but I do believe it is time to takes the gloves off.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I don't know if it's an urban legend either, but if it's real, it could be linked by instead of "Unarmed Victim" writing, "Victim disarmed by Boxer" or "Another victim of Feinstiens' disarmament"

I know that lengthens the message, but it's the only way I can think of that would link it.

I like the idea of the chalk lines. I just might start carrying a piece of chalk myself.

I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! - RKBA!
Unless you live somewhere that caters to artists and you are one it is likely that John Law would take a dim view of you defacing the sidewalks etc.
What about posters? Same theme. Victim was unarmed thanks to B H Brown or whomever!

Better days to be,

Where I live they'd be screwed if they tried to stop me--they let the local improv group and the sorority girls literally cover the campus and town with chalk. Although I should probably have photos . . . .
OTOH, the administration makes it very clear that they reserve the right to kick you out just because they don't like you, in so many words.

Now that I'm done rambling, what I meant by all that was that I REALLY like this idea.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
gentlemen,the chalk outline idea came out of the -nra westside members council-of westside los angeles ,it was the idea of an advertising guy named jim houck.he calls his idea guerilla marketing.all you need is a piece of chalk and the will to do it.it costs nothing,anybody can do it.you need no artistic ability.and if somone complains about what you are doing to -public-streets and sidewalks.just offer to clean it off with the couple of gallons of bottled water that you have in your vehicle.kids use chalk all the time on public property.most peace officers would approve of the message anyway.also i think that jim houck has formed a group called -citizens of america-this group is affiliated with the-lawyers second amendment society.the purose of -citizens of america -is to get pro gun advertising in the mainstream media,and i think that some of the print and radio ads have been comented on by members of the firing line.i go to gunstores all the time and most gunstores in los angeles area have the posters of the chalk outline in the store but to me ,that is just preaching to the choir.--thankyou---arthur
gentlemen,you need a piece of chalk,and 2 people.one person lies on the sidewalk,the other guy draws an outline around his body and writes the message.also a phone number to nra is left.it has brought in new members and it has made -some- people aware of their vulnerable status.we need advertising-this is cheap and effective.and when people see it,they take notice.at first they think they are at a crime scene.it only takes a few minutes,also do the outlines in the early morning or the evening.there are less people around to complain.thankyou ---arthur
Chalk outline sound like fun, but what i am advocating is the ballot box removal of well placed politicians that represent anti RKBA efforts. If we concentrated on a campaign, not for a candidate but solely against a particular politician and remove him or her...

won't the other politicians take note and avoid the topic?

we should use propoganda tactics
simple messages

Congressman X
he's a fool
Vote for anyone else

This way some of the public will kneejerk vote for anyone else

it's not fair but neither is infringing my rights


dz-sir i agree with you.but i think that you have to make people aware of what they are losing.i have long thought that we need advertising.the chalk outline is cheap and effective.thankyou----arthur
i think making the outed politician aware of his errors would be critical to the success of the endeavor.

Not all the sheeple would need to know why
you could just initiate a Congressman X is a fink campaign for alot of free air time

Start it off as a mystery campaign
get the media on the hook...
then give it the RKBA yank!
