Disturbing report from GA Gunshow


New member
Read this on UseNet about one of the gunshows here in town this weekend.


Subject: Georgia Gunshow bans Assault Weapons
Date: 23 May 1999 21:53:35 -0400
From: bhatcher@mindspring.com (Bill Hatcher)
Organization: MindSpring Enterprises
Newsgroups: rec.guns

Went to the Eastman gunshow at the the Farmers Market south of Atlanta today. From what I overheard, the Commisioner of Agriculture sent down a warning that he would not allow ANY "assault" weapons at the show. Sure enough the local police went from table to table making the dealers remove all the Ar15, AK47s, SKS, Tec 9, and even M1 carbines and other military semi autos!!!! You talking about a sad scene. I will not attend another show like this.

Better buy them now, any way you can!!!!!!!!


This is starting to hit a little too close to home for me.

The bottom line is that they all complied. This group and the shooter's online group all talk resistance but face the music it ain't going to happen. We are all looking out for ourselves we don't care what kind of country we leave for future generations. I fortunately was smart enough not to have any offspring so I could give a hoot. I feel bad because we have all let down all those people who laid down their lives so our sorry rear-ends can sit back and whine. If I offended anybody good. Instead of whining about getting the NRA to do this or writing your representatives to do that, or planning a March, hell its time we got off our butts and kicked some. Grab a few politicans or judges and tar and feather them. But it won't happen this I know you see I stood up against my employer and when I turned around there wasn't a fellow worker behind me, lost my job and none of those lilly livered co-workers have ever contacted me to see how I'm doing. Workers- gun owners all the same all talk no action. WHA WHA WHA go whine some more. Like my daddy told me years ago there is only one friend you can count on and that's what you carry in your rear pocket--your walet. I've said my peace. Call me when you get the tar and feathers.
I agree with GuttSmoke. What it all comes down to is defining when we have had enough and getting the word out to everyone so they know when they have had enough. Without a definition and some communication, we will never have solid support for our actions. We will lose everything, a little bit at a time.
From: Ivan8883 5-25-99 1030Pm EDT I think deep down in our hearts we here on this forum know that we will have to fight the Global Plantation Boys when they call for a GUN TURN IN in, I believe the near future. And we will not have many of our dumbed down citizens joining us in the coming battle. Ithe worst they can do to us is take our lives( go ahead and threaten me with Heaven!)But who wants to live in a Stalinist One world state? Let the sheeple live there! Ivan
Well, I for one do not plan to fight anybody over a demand for gun turn ins, I intend to simply ignore it. Let's not get rabid, it doesn't help our cause.

I do not plan to fight anybody over a law requiring Gestapo-like house-to-house searches for weapons. I intend to ignore them.

I intend to contact all my representatives to oppose and protest such things, to support with my time and money people who will defend my rights in state or federal legislatures and/or courts, and to attempt to clarify what is going to happen if that course continues to be followed, but a civil war is very serious business.

My breaking point, my own personal line in the sand, would come when some thousands of law-abiding gunowners and LEOs have died in that attempt and it hasn't come to a screeching halt as a result, we still have the anti nutbars screeching "Good! Kill 'em ALL. We need to kill everybody so that we can save that precious 'ONE LIFE'.", and we still (somehow) have LEOs who are willing to break down one more door.

I don't think that will happen, I don't even see how it can. As law-abiding citizens, LEOs are our friends, possibly the best ones we have, and most feel exactly as we do. The concept of beginning an armed rebellion solely because of what some pissant chicken**** political whores have done to get their sorry tushies reelected is not in me. I'm sorry, but it's not.

When my breaking point is passed (which I doubt), I will pack my guns and head for a sensible site, perhaps Lexington-Concord (where the first revolution started) or Gettysburg (where the second forcible alteration of our government essentially came to be), and try to "educate" a few more people before I go down. Or I might just stay home and do the same. If I hear that there are a zillion others at some location I will join them, but I doubt that such information will be allowed to hit the presses, possibly starting the media to finally think who might be next.

Of course, if my door gets caved in, I have made my bet and lost. But I don't intend to be alone at the morgue that day. But picture yourself as an LEO. Go door to door and confiscate all computers? Sure, no problem. All VCRs? When do we start? All cars? All cameras? All motorboats? Can I keep a few I like? All GUNS? Hold up there a minute. You mean these people will have GUNS? I think I have something else to do that day.

Just oppose the stupid rules first, and if you're unsuccessful at that, ignore them completely other than as a warning to be ready. My confidence is very high that the only way I will ever be disarmed without a fight is if I am completely disarmed first. That's not possible, now, is it?

Larry P.