Distance of IDPA targets


New member
At what distance from the shooter are most IDPA targets set at? If they vary, what's the range?
Thank you for any info!
From IDPA rulebook


· 75% of all shots required in a match must be 15 yards or less; however, occasional targets out to 35 yards are to be encouraged.

· No ‘strong hand only’ strings of fire may require the shooter to engage targets more than 10 yards distant.

· No ‘weak hand only’ strings of fire may require the shooter to engage targets more than 7 yards distant.

· No head box shots are to be required more than 10 yards distant.


3. Most shots should be held to 5 – 15 yards.
Depends on the local club who puts on the match. Our club does anywhere from point blank to 40 yards, and usually keep the round count to around 18-24 per stage. There is the odd 15 yard strong only, and sometimes some mandatory 12-15 yard head shots. Go to enough IDPA matches, and you'll see....
The rule book 'rules' really only apply at the State, Regional and National level.