Disposal of American Flag


New member
Anyone here know the proper method for disposing of a "soiled" American flag? I remember that you cut the field from the fly (that is what they call it, right?), then cut apart each stripe. Then you burn the whole thing. Am I missing anything?
If you have a flag that needs to be destroyed and are not sure how to do it, you can contact your local veterans group(s) and they will be happy to perform the service. Usually the vet clubs around here get together once a year or so and do a combined service for all of the flags that were turned over to them for disposal. I hope this helps.
Actually, I am posting the info on another board. I was wanting to make sure I had all the info before I stuck my foot in my mouth! Thanks though for the info! :)
I am given to believe that the Boy Scouts are suppose to have a procedure for the respectful disposal of our colors (ceremonial burning I believe which is in accordance with protocol). There's also suppose to be a place back east (Arlington or Washington DC) that you can send a worn and torn flag to for disposal.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
You've got it right. All you need to add is a proper dose of respect.
I covered the procedure back in April in a thread called "Burning flags on the Fourth?" Do a search and you'll get the details.
If you live in Georgia, the American Legion is holding it's state convention at Jekyll Island on the 23-25 July. We will have a flag ceremony on 23 July, 4:00pm. Look forward to seeing you there.

Dept. Jr. Vice Commander
Harley Nolden
You sir are Good Man for asking. More people should have this much respect for our flag that so many Vets.(God Bless you all!) died for. Many Humanoids would just toss it.
Double check me on this, but I believe that the field is burned seprately(i.e. you should use two burn barrels to retire Old Glory).

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

Blades, that's it! I knew there was something else! Thank you, and everyone else who replied. I was unaware that alot of the veteran organizations provided this service. Harley, thanks for the invite, but I'm in KY. Oddly enough though, I'm a Georgian by birth!