Discreet casesn for an AR15

^^^ THIS^^^

I even use a tennis racquet bag to carry my folding stock AK. No one even gives it a second look
Me carrying a tennis racquet bag would bring on more funny looks than me carrying an AR around without any kind of case!
That's no joke for most of us.

If people see me carrying a rifle bag or open rifle they just think I'm heading to the range.

If they saw me with a tennis bag they'd probably call the police thinking that I had lost my mind and was dangerous.
I have the UTG in purple for my AR pistol. It works as expected and has pockets for loaded mags and a handgun...good stuff.
I have used a folding lawn chair nylon bag. Discreet and a shoulder strap. Like O4L, this would draw less attention than a tennis bag LOL.
I have had customers bring in rifles in guitar cases, the nylon ones with shoulder straps. Had a customer bring in several rifles in a large cooler marked "BIOHAZARD". I thought it was funny.
And then sometimes you can just say that a bag contains something else entirely. Like one time, I assisted on a security team that required a long gun kept nearby. It was referred to as a 'skateboard bag'. Probably wouldn't have made much sense seeing how it was two fat guys who've never set foot on a skateboard that swapped off carrying it in and out of the building. :p