Discovery Channel Tomorrow Night


The Discovery Chaneel is airing a program about the Missouri 51st Miltia tomorrow, Monday, night at (I believe) 7:00 central time. During one of the previews a militia member is quoted saying 'we can't overthrow the people, we are the people.'
I'm hoping that during the program the Missouri CCW ballot fraud issue will be mentioned.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
That would be nice, but what I'd really like to see is a mention of the fact that every able-bodied American between ages 18 and 45 is, by law, a militia member.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
John Ross told me that at one point the results beiong reported for St. Louis (whatever county that is) were about 50-50, then the results stopped being reported for a significant number of hours.. or at least they didn't change. At that point let's say there was 50% of the vote in.( I don't remember the exact numbers).

Then, much later that evening, the news was reporting that the county had voted against the bill by a HUGE margain, like 70% against. That would obviously have meant that the second 50% of the voters had been about 85+% against, as opposed to the earlier voters who were about 50-50.

John felt it was hard to believe that the afternoon and evening voters were so vehemently against CCW, apparently others did too. I believe that was the initial basis for the accusations of fraud, at least from what I've heard.
Additionally, I believe the US Attorney's office used Federal funds to promote the anti's side. It is misappropration to use Federal funds to influence the outcome of a state ballot.
As to the federal funds being used to influence the election. As per my Congressman, (after a letter I sent him on this issue), It appears there may be something to this. A full investigation is under way. He said he will keep me posted on the results... will let everyone know anything further when I hear it.

Did anyone notice the rear window of the founder's truck? He's got an LEAA member sticker along with his 51st and GOA stickers!

I told you guys we were a pro-gun rights group for everyone. ;)

Walkin' man and I just finished watching the program on the Discovery Channel. To me it seemed very balanced. I would even say it represented the miltia in a positive light. I was very impressed.

Rob, does your "we" mean that you are a part of the 51st?

If it hasn't aired in your part of the woods yet, I recommend you watch it. :)

"Time changes everything"
Like Miss .357 I was pleased with it. These people were obvisously just simple folks with simple desires. They only want to preserve the BofR and protect their families and community. I thought the fact that they trained for and purchased equipment to help look for missing children yet were turned down by local law enforcment when the need did arise made us (gun owners) look good.

You know if the feds were trying to link them to McVey they had to be as squeaky clean as the leader said. The feds would have loved to further villanize guns, gun owners and militias is at all possible.

I was dismayed that it had been taped before the CCW vote here in Missouri. I honestly believe that Discovery would have reported on that.

Quite a difference from the recent A&E program.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Only caught the last half, but it seemed to be actual reporting and not an editorial on the evils of owning guns and standing up for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

For information on the 51st:


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Thanks for the link KAM.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.