Disaster strikes!!!


New member
Leaving for Tanazania in less than 10 days. .458 Lott goes tits up!! Oh s***t sent to gunsmith repair stat. Code blue. Stress!!!! Need drugs help.
Forward recoil cracked. Anybody out there have an inlet stock for a custom model 70 in .458?
Times like these call for Duct Tape AND Baling Wire

Seriously though, good luck getting it fixed. And tell your smith if he's worth half what he charges, he can carve a new stock and still give you a week at the range before leaving ;)
Forward recoil cracked.
The stock cracked, or the recoil lug on the barrel?

IF it's a crack that runs more or less lengthwise in the stock, you can epoxy it back together, glass bed the action and barrel channel, and put a couple of pieces of threaded rod though he stock crosswise, setting them in epoxy. It may not look too pretty, but it will be functional.

Good luck, and keep us posted!
Thanks Guys,
It's the forward recoil lug and it cracked from side to side. That doesn't bother me to much. But it cracked the left side of the stock from the base up to about the middle of the stock. TOAST!! The good news Hogue makes a full length bedding blocked drop in replacement stock for this puppy not pretty but supposedly tougher than a $2.00 whore.

Plan B my .375H&H is up and running;) Ole reliable.

The good news smithy is being very co-operative and is jumping through his rear to make his work right.
Negative as of the morning of tuesday the 27th I am still Lottless. And I haven't heard back from my smith yet.:barf:
Bummer about your Lott . . .

I'd rather use a smaller caliber in a proven, reliable rifle than a newly repaired "thumper" that I haven't had a chance to "wring out" thoroughly.

I've used a .375 on a couple of buff and it worked just fine. (Handloaded Speer 300 AGS solids.) More importantly, no PH I've talked to has ever said the .375 was NOT adequate for buff, as long as you use either a quality solid or quality softpoint. (Winchester's "Silvertip" was specifically mentioned as a load to avoid!)

Good luck . . .
I am shooting 270 gr Barnes solids and 270 gr X bullets in the .375. I am so sick about this Lott I could:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

Oh well . I 've had this thing for nearly a year and it decides to T/U now!!! Why, Why.

I agree it's looking like ole reliable will be pressed into service once more. She was coming along anyway.;)
They are spot on at 100 yds. Same exact point of impact. :) I just got back from the range this morning. This rifle has always shot Barnes X well. I've got a 5 shot solid group and a 3 shot X-bullet group all in the same 1 inch circle:D

My ole .375 never fails me. Just "one of those" rifles
Look at it this way - better TU here than there. I killed my first two buff with crappy Winchester FMJ loads. I suspect the X bullets will work much better.

Good luck!
Good point buddy!! Thanks for making me see the up side!:) :)

Hey no matter what I'm going Buffalo hunting next Tuesday!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D
Shoot Straight, and hit the Central Nervous System and they all die anyway.

Just a bit harder to hit.

And ALWAYS listen to your guide!
Smithy jumps through his a** sends rifle with new reinforced full length block bedded tripple recoil lug stock. Smithy sends it US overnight mail.
IT DIDN'T SHOW UP TODAY!!!!!!!:mad: :barf: :mad: :barf: :mad: :barf: :mad: :barf:

If it doesn't get here by tommorow...............Anyway still got a .375.
Gun shows up a day late,
Seems to be shooting just fine!:) Now we will see if it'll hold up to 100 rounds before tuesday.

I feel a recoil headache comming on!
Hope the shoulder is up to the task. Good luck on the buff. May there be plenty of thick bossed dugaboys in your future!
Well guys,
Ops Check OK. 50 rounds for me 50 rounds for 2 of my good (ex?) buddies. The .458 Lott is cookie cutting 500gr weldcores at 50 yards. The new stock is a houge with the one piece aluminum bedding block from trigger guard to the tip of the fore end. I am 1.5" high at 50 yards right on at 100.

Many 1 gallon water jugs have payed the price. Oh do they explode!:D KABOSH.

Thanks for all your support and I'll be thinking of you all while enjoying a blended scotch by the camp fire and reliving the days hunt.;)

I leave tommorrow at 11:30 we'll be talking to you soon.