Disaster in CT

Douglas in CT

New member
A bill has made its way through both legislative bodies at the Connecticut State capitol and is awaiting the Governor's signature.

One of the sections deals with the confiscation of a resident's guns for no other reason than suspicion.
That means anyone (or two) can go and tell the police that you are acting strangely, talking about dangerous things (RKBA) and that they are scared about you having guns.
The police will have the duty to come to your door and confiscate your guns.

They've gone mad!

~Douglas in CT :)
What about Fourth Amendment protection against search and seizures. Warrantless seizures? Further, what due process like a subsequent hearing concerning the search and seizure?

Sadly, without the Second Amendment, all others (Amendments and even the Constitution) are but empty and hollow words.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I've been following this law. I need to know more. it seems to be based on the "denger to self or others" concept used in the Baker Act.

Can you get us criteria on proper cause. Remedies for return?
Is the Governor expected to sign it? Please say no.

I too have been semi-following this bill. I wasn't extremely concerned as it seemed too obnoxious to make it through...too bad I thought wrong.

Sad, so very, very sad. How much more of this are we going to take?
The newspaper indicated that the Governor will sign it.

~Douglas in CT :)
That is true ...danger to self and others.

BUT, it is still vague and lets the fox (gvt.) into the hen house.

The extrapolation of this concept as it becomes perverted is FRIGHTENING!

~Douglas in CT :)
Well there goes Due Process huh? Another day another Amendment bites the dust. How much longer till there aren't any left?

Guys, I hate to tell you this, but the 4th was killed long ago.

We have no right to due process since the War On Some Drugs; just ask all the people whose homes have been destroyed by DEA thugs based on anonymous tips .

Ask the New Yorkers whose cars have been confiscated on suspicion (not conviction) of DUI.

Ask the surviving Davidians if the grubmint respected due process before storming their home and burning it to ashes.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe