disassemble 6906

Send it to me for a thorough disassembly & a lengthy testing. I'll make sure it's safe for you to shoot first. ;)

Seriously though, I can't help you .... YET! You got one of my favorite S&W's. I hope be field strpping one just like yours someday. Please report back to me how you like it.


Almost Online IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
This post is to be read through completely prior to any f***ing with the gun. The poster takes no responsibility for being a dumbass or for the reader being a dumbass. This is how my 5906 (stainless) broke down. That said, lets get down to it...

Here goes in simple terms:

1a) Make sure it's unloaded. Make sure again and take it off safety.

1b) pull back slide till notch (on l. side) matches with the front of the slide release.

2) push slide release thru from other side (while maintaining backward pressure, keeping the slide in place)and remove slide release.

3) allow slide to move forward and remove slide assembly.

4) FIRMLY GRASP the guide rod and spring assembly and dislocate from the tiny crescent shaped notch holding them in place (take note of this part, cause you want to reassemble it right?).

5) remove barrel. now, that wasn't too difficult was it???


1) replace barrel and guiderod/spring mechanism (WHILE FIRMLY GRASPING). these things have been known to cause sonic booms and penetrate apt. walls.

2) Replace slide (same way it came off). When slide reaches the 'thingies' in front of the hammer push them beneath (one at a time) the slide. For those of us with fat fingers this part sucks.

3) Bring the slide back to where you held it to take the slide stop out and spear it in there. (hint: putting it in before you start applying pressure on the slide and pushing it in all the way when it gets there is much easier. make sure to re-align (the way it was when you took the sucker apart) the slide stop with the slide prior to any shoving.)

If anyone sees anything I left out please tell goodshot 'cause I traded (sniff) my last SW auto almost 3 yrs ago.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.

[This message has been edited by SlackO (edited May 15, 2000).]
SLACKO- Thanks for the info. A friend wanted me to clean this 6906 for him. I got it apart last evening. It REALLY needed cleaning! He had never taken it apart. Now he can clean it himself. Thanks for the excellent reply! -goodshot-
Contact Slick & Weasel and they will probably send you a book. I got one of these fine guns back when they first came out. I still haven't had a malfunction of any kind. Real nice gun.

Thats exactly how my 4506 comes apart.

The spring is a serious @$$kicker, and that spring guide rod will put a hurting on any eyeballss that happen to be within its trajectory should it happen to be slipped off inadvertantly during disassembly/reassembly, so be aware. It is very easy to accidentally knock it out of the notch and then *WHEEEEEEET*-*THUNK* it goes flying.

Depressing the levers, as was said, sucks for those with fat fingers. I have skinny fingers and it sucks only slightly less. Use a brass tool to push them down...the one whose name I forget, but it looks like a brass flatheaded screwdriver. Or, heck, just use a flatheaded screwdriver. Just be careful not to damage them.

Be aware, your gun might be different from mine. But I gather all S&W autos break down pretty much the same way. YMMV.


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein
All of the 2nd and 3rd generation Smiths break down the same way.

I've currently have a 6906, a 645 and a Super 9. I had a 5906 a few years back. All of them were bascially the same.
In reference to depressing the levers in order to push the slide all the way back, keep that in mind as you are putting the slide back on the frame. If you forget and push the slide back without depressing the levers, the ends of the levers will scar the finish on the back of the slide. I have seen a lot of S&W pistols with those marks. Not that I have ever done that. ;)