Disarmament and military takeover of America


This was sent to me on the rkba@onelist.com e-mail ring, I added the links to Cornell and the link to pub. 7277.


Here is documentation on the planned military takeover of the
United States and the formation of a World Army/Police Force- Its all
here, in undeniable documented form.

Kennedy wanted to warn us about this. He was assassinated because at a
speech he gave at Columbia University shortly before he was killed he
announced that "The high office of the President is being used as part of
plot against the American people. Some day I will have to tell you about
go to your local library, no matter where you
live in the United States. Tell the librarian to show you where the
United States Code books are shelved. There are 25 books in the set.
They are reddish-brown in color. They are printed by the Government
Printing Office in Washington, DC. These hard-covered books are printed
every 8-10 years. They are updated with annual soft-back supplements
each year until a new hard-cover issue comes out. At the present time
the 1988 hardbacks are on library shelves.

OPEN VOLUME 9. The page numbers are in the center near the middle
binding. The section numbers are along the edges.

TURN TO PAGE 651. Here you will find Public Law 87-297 which calls for
the United States to eliminate its armed forces. This law was signed for
the United States in 1961. John F. Kennedy signed it and every president
since has worked to enact its provisions. The government knows you will
not approve which is why they want to take away your firearms. (This is
Title 22 USC section 2551 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/22/2551.html )

TURN TO PAGE 652. Here you will find the definition of what the
government means by "disarmament." The disarmament calls for the
elimination of our armed forces. It also calls for the elimination of
weapons of all kinds. (This is Title 22 USC 2552 (a) http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/22/2552.html ).

TURN TO PAGE 654. Here you will find it stated as item (a) "control,
reduction and elimination of armed forces..." and as Item (d)
"...Elimination of armed forces...". What you need to know is that your
armed forces are being eliminated from national control which, in turn,
wipes out our sovereignty as a nation.
In two stages, we will have no
more army, no more navy, no more air force. In the third stage, we shall
have a "zero" military. Before Stage I closes, all citizen owned guns
will be banned. (This is Title 22 USC Section 2571 (a) http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/22/2571.html ).

Public Law 87-297 is further explained in the State Department Document,
called Publication 7277. Your librarian can also furnish you a copy. Ask
the librarian to get you a copy of "The Blue Print for the Peace Race."
It is a 35 page booklet printed by the United States Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency as Publication No. 4 - General Series 3 - Released
May, 1962. Publication No. 4 is the unabridged version of State
Department Document 7277.(State Department Publication 7277 is available on the web at:
http://www.kobres.com/disarm.html )

Both of these booklets explain how our military is to be reduced to 2.1
million men. China and the Soviets are to be reduced to that level also.
At this point, we are at Stage I at which time we are to transfer (on a
permanent basis) one-half of our armed forces to be merged with the
Russian and Chinese armies. In Stage II the remaining one-half of our
armed forces is then turned over to this same Security Council of the
United Nations. The person in charge of the merged armies must, by
agreement, always be a Russian. The world's smaller nations turn 100% of
their armies over to the same under-secretary of the Security, Council
in Stage II. President George Bush and Admiral Wm. J. Crowe [have
refered] to this process as being "in transition."

TURN TO PAGE 655. On this page in Volume 9 of the United States Code,
read "Policy Formation." The directives there (written in 1963 to pacify
objectors) are supposedly to restrain anyone fromdisarmament, reducing
or limiting our armaments, or taking guns away from the people unless it
is pursuant to the treaty-making power of the president, or if it is
authorized by further legislation by the Congress. (This is title 22,
Section 2573. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/22/2573.html )

Every couple of years the House of Representatives votes to appropriate
funds for this on-going program. Since P.L. 87-297 was first passed into
law in 1961, there have been 18 updates to it - all bad - with no
deletions of these issues I lay before you now. The Congress knows that
the plan includes the policing of the United States by foreign troops.
(The world army they are forming.) The Congress is allowing our military
bases to beclosed down, except for those which will be used by the world
army. You will find that plan in Publication 7277 and in "The Blueprint
for the Peace Race."

If the president and Congress can promote a "Constitutional Convention"
you will find yourself with two new constitutions(communist in
structure) which in one states in Article VIII, Section 12: "No person
shall bear arms or possess lethal weapons except the police and members
of the armed forces...."

TheCongress has praised these documents and is on record in Senate
hearings seeking ways to install these constitutions. Ask yourlibrarian
for "Revision of the United Nations Charter - Hearings Before a
Subcommittee (Foreign Relations) Feb. 2-20, 1950 U.S.Government Printing
Office." Nothing has changed since. They are still viable.

The ultimate goal to be reached in Stage III of the disarmament process
is to "proceed to a point where no state [nation] would have the
military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace

Anyone who doubts the truthfulness of what has been presented here is
free to go to the library and go through the steps which have been
outlined above. While you are at it, look up Public Law 101-216.

Check it out!

OH YES, I love my Tupperware
Interesting reading. I have seen this email before but without the URL's added.

Note that Title 22 deals with Foreign Relations.

United States Code

After reading through this from the beginning, not just the links provided, it appears this section is dealing with Strategic Arms Reduction.

Yes, it does talk about reducing arms on a worldwide basis, but it is talking about Strategic Arms. Not the type of firearms you and I would have.

If you go to...........


You can start from the beginning and read it all if you desire to.

Start with the first section titled:

§ 2551. Congressional statement of purpose.
An ultimate goal of the United States is a world which is free from the scourge of war and the dangers and burdens of armaments; in which the use of force has been subordinated to the rule of law; and in which international adjustments to a changing world are achieved peacefully. It is the purpose of this chapter to provide impetus toward this goal by creating a new agency of peace to deal with the problem of reduction and control of armaments looking toward ultimate world disarmament.....[snip]

I think you will see what I mean.

Do I think "they", if given the chance, would take away all our firearms? Sure.

Will it happen in our lifetimes? Unless they pull something off because of Y2K, my answer would have to be "no".

Just my $0.02 worth.

AAAHHHH!!! the great utopian civilization!!
i can't beleive that there a people that think that they are going to do away with all the greed, envy, the lust for power, that attitudes of the haves against the have nots & vice versa. don't want to offend anybodies right to believe what they want, but you ain't gonna have heaven on earth till the BIG MAN, says so. until that day, wether you take away everyones arms or not, you're always gonna have somebody fighting somebody else over something!!YMMV, MNSHO!!

what me worry?
Compare the info on the video "Aids & Ebola, The Coming Plagues" by Dr. Horowitz -- and why soldiers SHOULD be refusing the anthrax vaccination at www.tetrahedron.org Dr.H claims to have the magazine article quoting a speech by Slick Willie promising to reduce the population of the USA by 50% to 1947 levels...
From: Ivan8883@aol.com 6-23-99 610 Heat , great research job! I got trashed by the Bush supporters on another thread by pointing out tha Young Bush is just another player in NWO plans for world domination. But Old Man is a big player in one world systemas you point out when you mention Bush and admiral Crowe. Just because they wear US uniforms dint make them Ameicans! Many of our previous military and political leaders were and are traitors to our Republic. By the way ,as I print this message, Us and foreign troops( Czechs for sure ) have taken over Temple Municupal airport in Temple ,Texas for 2 weeks of training for future domestic trouble. Alex Jones interviewed personal on the ground and saw Czech Troops who , Alex was told, were training for future disturbances in America. The word is being spread to people in central Texas to get over to airport to see what is going on! I am afraid it will be 5% war: 2.5% of Americans in favor of control system,2.5% Americans fighting for our old freeedoms under Constitutional government and 95% of sheeple people sitting on fence waiting for the outcome and happy no matter who wins. Ivan
You just have to wonder about all these "peace-keeping" operations the military keeps getting assigned to. First step seems always to be disarmament of the locals. Witness Kosovo, Somalia, Haiti and all the reports of similar training in the states.

This might just leave one with the impression that somewhere, somebody's got a plan. Then read all those Executive Orders already made law by presidential fiat.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but...
And so it seems, WWIII will be fought here!

It makes one wonder. If foreign troops are used here wouldn't most Americans be much more likely to fire on non-US troops rather than their own boys. Maybe they are balancing that against the possibility that US troops won't follow orders that they feel to be illegal.
You guys,
Y'all are just a bunch of paranoid alarmists!

Nothing like this could happen in America!!! Get real! Those are only contingency plans in case our country is in a state of emergency! Not for normal times! Remember, our President has proven by the polls that all the people are behind him, our economy is better than it EVER has been! Everything is safe!

It's only for emergencies!!!!

Executive Order? What Executive Order?

((What does he mean Executive Order? He can't do that! Can he?

He DID?)) ;)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 24, 1999).]
Those are only contingency plans in case our country is in a state of emergency!

Y'mean like the one we've been in since, what, 1934?

Hell, I hope NATO does post troops here. I could use some moving-target practice besides clays.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Coinneach: I like the way you think. :D


"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
This come around all the time...

I am so frustrated be all the crap - I am thinking - you know what? maybe a one world government would not be so bad!
Look at all the trouble in the world - BIG BROTHER can take care of it all!

Let them try... And then when they fail we can Overthrow them and start over and there will no longer be this threat or worry of the one world government!

Can it really be any worse than what we have now?

Here Now - your only as FREE as you can AFFORD...

Wow... I woke up really bitter today!

" Think Globally ; Act Locally " its Earth First's motto that a friend reminded me of , but it really fits our situation... If the local Sheriff ( the highest Constitutional officer ) of a community will not order the disarming of a county, and calls out his " posse comitatus " then the rest of the state is in deep doodoo... if each of the states governors forbid the disarming of their Sovereign Citizens , then the rest of the nation is in deep doodoo ; and if all the states do likewise, we do in fact have our republic back !!! and the rest of the world is in deep doo doo !!!

Also if the anti American, anti Constitution legal/legislative types are tried and found guilty of treason, and punished accordingly , then there will be few who will be so willing to go against the Constitution ever again !!!!

Another thought from this feeble old mind ..
If we are members of a 'gun culture' then aren't we afforded the same protections of civil rights of any other minority.... they are in fact denying us our civil rights !!!!!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
and the rest of the world is in deep doo doo !!!

But only if they mess in with us... which is what the militia is really all about.

Remember, folks, we're almost all militia members by law. Keep 'em cleaned and loaded, and maintain your proficiency.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Why would the governors NOT back the federal government? As Democrats and Republicans they are part and parcel of the national power structure! Any differences that appear are few and far between and usually either:
- a "pillow fight" to get attention and votes; or
- short-lived as the party machines put the screws to the insubordinate.

Sheriffs? Most talk big. Only a couple fought the Brady Bill (God bless them, every one!). The rest of the sheriffs play, "to get along, go along."

We the People would be on our own. Undermanned and undergunned we would take enough of the blighters with us (hopefully) to preclude such an event.