Disappointing End


New member
Well it was a disappointing end to firearms season. Got up at 4:30 am to heavy rain. My buddy and I got to our spot and trekked up into the woods finally settling in around 6:30. Around 8:48 with not a single bit of movement and needing to be back at his place at 11....my buddy made a last ditch effort to circle around and run something up. No sooner did he get over the hill out of view, the massive doe, medium doe and good size buck we saw the other day went bolting across the open pasture at the bottom of the woods 200 yards out at a dead run for the woods across the way....ah well:rolleyes:

The fourth member of their party did wasn't as lucky....we got it last Wednesday...Which provided this for tonight

along with Two big roasts an abundance of jerky, lots of burger an a nice pelt that is in the tanning process. We split everything 50/50 between his family and mine and use every bit that can be used.

<EDIT> yes, the time stamp on the pic is incorrect. Junky old camera resets every time you turn it off.
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That's perfect.

Arouind here we often hear the mantra "too many orange coats in the woods!"

What is usually needed is someone moving around. I always watch closely at about 1 1/2 hrs after legal shooting hours and 1/2 hr before quitting time. That is the time when many get on the way nome and flush one on their way to the truck. Be ready.
Another way to look at things.

It can hardly be considered a disappointing season if you ended it with fresh meat in the freezer. ;) Looks yummy BTW.
Not really a disappointing season so much as just this particular day. And the stew was EXCELLENT:D had enough to share with the neighbors too:cool:

Normally they move through to their feeding/bedding ground about 7:45-8:30am
I think they were held up at the corner of the woods from the early rain and when my buddy got up they caught his sent and got the idea to go around, rather than use their normal trails. I will say it was a B-e-a-utiful day to sit in the woods....breezy, temp was about 58-60ish. Nothing like sitting in the woods on a cool day watching the sun come up listening to the woods come alive and the maples popping in the wind.

Muzzle loader seasons opens on the 8th, and we'll be heading back out:)
I get extra days!!!!

The regular firearms section for deer was a wash for me. I wound up babysitting my grand daughters all but two days. This year Missouri has changed their regulations so that I can hunt with a handgun from Dec. 15th through the 25th. Yay! I hunt with a handgun anyways. Perfect:cool:
Glad someone is happy with the change ......

and I sincerely hope you will be hunting with a regular pistol and NOT on of the T/C short barreled rifles without a stock.

For those who don't know, the MO Dept of Conservation is now allowing Handguns during what was "muzzleloader" season.

Some of us are NOT very happy about the change:mad::mad:
Ours is pretty strait forward after you cut through all the bureaucratic BS. Archery starts first (and runs full time through all other seasons:mad:)
then Firearms, then muzzle loader. Our muzzle loaders are restricted to be able to load from the muzzle ONLY...so we can't use black powder percussion sharps:( And must be marked as a .44 caliber or larger loaded with at least a .357 caliber bullet. Muzzle loading pistols must be single shot ONLY with a barrel length of 12" or longer...loaded from the muzzle ONLY, no revolvers and must be marked .50 caliber or larger and loaded with at least a .44 caliber bullet.
<EDITED from the detailed version I typed first to avoid arguing and fight starting>

So I'll go with this and less detail:)

Just bad to me personally

I'm not a bow hunter, I have bows....both traditional and a Hoyt Hypertec. While I target shoot with them fairly regular, I have...and always will be a gun guy. Gun people and Bow people seem to be like chevy vs. ford and coke vs. pepsi. There are a select few in the middle that like both equally (the Dodge, RC cola guys;))

I have one of the ones that gave me (and anyone else they talk to about it...) the bad opinion that lives on the other side of me..you know the one, with the team real tree and mathews stickers all over the jacked up ranger and wrangler, all talk and no game...and have never had venison, let alone ever got their own deer. And openly talk about how it doesn't matter how or where you hit the animal...as long as you get a hit and draw blood. A run down the wal-mart sporting goods isle with a 3D in the back yard and a camo shirt, doesn't make you a hunter...a LOT of people think it does.

Archery is not very forgiving. It takes more practice, skill and "Good Shot" sense, and a much longer learning curve than firearms I believe...most people don't have it in them. Not counting the guys that were born with a bow in hand...talking about the joe blow that picked it up, shot 10 arrows and think they are ready for opening day
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Me also....shouldn't really of said that much:o But we all have our own opinions and everyone is entitled to them. I'm sure I've ****** off some woods ninjas when I fire a 12 gauge in the dead quiet woods. Archery just seems to be a skill not many are passing down or properly teaching/training...and more and more unqualified people are hunting with them. I guess I just don't see how it's fair to let one group use their hunting equipment of choice all season, and not others..not to mention them skipping out on hunter orange part of the time.(not that I mind wearing it;))

I don't really understand what the problem would be with someone taking a .35 Rem. contender pistol rather than a .454 raging bull during muzzle loader season, but someone voiced displeasure with the decision to make that possible in MO.
Ahhh....well I completely understand your comment then, sounds like we're actually in the same boat opinion-wise..

<EDITED from the detailed version I typed first to avoid arguing and fight starting>

No intent to argue, was just curious.:) BTW I like both Chevy and Ford, Dodge not so much. :D
Lol:D While I do any of my heavy work or pulling with a Silverado 3500 duramax, A Ram quad cab is my daily driver....And 9/10 times I drink RC:p I just knew to pick my words carefully, I know I could of started some hot tempers and didn't want to sound like I was bow bashing. I just wish EVERYONE took it as serious as they should. 90% of wounded deer I see around here are from arrows. It's very disappointing (and a little upsetting) to freeze your nibblets off all day to finally see a good deer....with an arrow in it's guts or back leg:(:mad: and having to finish someones "opse....dang it! oh well"