Dirty "New" guns


New member
Anyone know if it's standard practice with manufacturers to test fire a new gun, leave it dirty, then ship it off to dealer/distributer. Just curious...

Mike M.
Proof Testing

Guns are generally proofed before leaving the factory. As a cost savings, they don't clean the gun afterwards. I'm not aware of any large mfg who does clean the gun after proofing.

Manufacturer's do test fire their product's before shipment;
some, more than other's do a lousy job cleaning them up. Look for "burn mark's" in front of cylinder on revolver's.
Of course, a dab of Simichrome on an old rag easily removes
this residue from nickel and stainless firearms.:D:) Don't
use this product on blued weapons.:(:eek:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
In my experience, residue from test firing is the rule rather than the exception. Some powder fouling (often messily mixed with preservative oil), burn marks, brass marks, and, in semi-autos, small flakes of brass are common. The amount of residue is in proportion as the number of rounds fired, and therefore is not usually very great. Of course, new guns should be cleaned before use anyway.
Had more than one idiot call me a liar and thief for selling guns as new that had OBVIOUSLY been fired. Some people will never understand. I prefer my guns test-fired thank you very much. Would you drive a car that hadn't been test-driven at the factory? A computer that hadn't been turned on?
badgerarms is right on target. I always like the reassurance of that little bit of dirt in a brand new gun. I know it fired at least one round successfully before they boxed it up. Most will fire 5 or so and even give you the test target or a computer generated printout of the results (CZ).
Think about it...

how can a company put "proof" marks on a gun unless it's been proof tested?

BTW, I have a quarter which has been "proof" marked for me at the Ruger factory. Now that's a souvenir.
Hey, you guys are right.....The dealer where I purchased said weapon also has an indoor range; I thought that (surely not) maybe they'd popped a few caps when gun came in..This is "stinkin' thinkin" on my part...I apologize...

In the meantime, after my city mandated 5 day wait is up, I will clean then fire the heck out of my new toy.......

Merry Christmas all,

Mike M.

Any S&W I bought had burn marks on three of the chambers. Looks like they loaded every other one and busted the caps.