Dirty Harry may be moving to Arizona.... :D

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The Arizona Senate, (the guys that started the SB 1070 movement that 1/2 the states are now considering adopting) just unanimously passed SB 1469, Which greatly strengthens the Arizona Castle Doctrine / "Make my day" law.


This will be interesting to watch it progress, where many observers expect it to pass and be signed quickly.
What does Castle Doctrine give citizens that they don't have without it? I mean here in IL I can still shoot a guy if I have to in my own house.

What does Castle Doctrine give citizens that they don't have without it? I mean here in IL I can still shoot a guy if I have to in my own house.
the family member of a victim(badguy) does not have the right to sue when one is protected by a castle doctrine. It also finely defines one's right to use deadly force, so the person exercising his/her right to use deadly force is better protected.
ianal but most make my day laws also mean you're under NO obligation to retreat before defending your self, recently a ccw'er in FL shot two young thugs who attacked as he was jogging. (I think they were looking to bash gays but that's conjecture) under old law he would have had to retreat first then shoot if pursued-he shot after the attack & wasn't prosecuted.

ETA I highlighted my typo
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So called Make My Day Laws make sense in a legal context, and little in a moral one.

WildbutidontpretendtohavealltheanswersAlaska ™©2002-2011
It is a good law, but labeling it with the name of a fictional cop who operated on some less than legal motives isn't really what the law concerns. It isn't about vigilante justice. It is about being able to legally employ lethal self defense in a situation where it would be appropriate to use it, usually in defense of life, without needless conditions such as the need to retreat.

Hero figure or not, Dirty Harry didn't exactly follow the law and his catch phrase isn't well associated here.
AZ home defense law

The importantance of the AZ law and its expansion is this.

1. The law presumes that if you shoot someone on your property it is self defense.
2. Unfortunately, certain police agencies, Pima County SO, and a number of county attorneys found ways to avoide the intent of the law and have charged and convicted persons who should not have been convicted or even charged. The modification to the existing law is to protect us from the abuse.
3. Your best course, after a shooting incident, is to call 911 and report the event, call an experienced attorney, and keep your mouth shut.

A man is serving a sentence now because, despite doing everything right, he opened his mouth and made statements which an over zealous DA used against him.
ianal but most make my day laws also mean you're under obligation to retreat before defending your self,


The OK "make my day" law does not require one to retreat before using deadly force. The OK "make my day" was passed in 1987, since then no person has been successfully sued in civil court for a righteous home defense shooting.
Calling these "make my day" laws is really a poor way for us to make our case to the uninformed public. Call it "lawful defense" or another positive phrase. "Make my day" immediately brings vigilante justice to the general public's mind and hurts our position.
I agree. The link says nothing about Dirty Harry or promoting killing folks. Using that terminology is troublesome. You might look for the thread I started about the castle doctrine in TX. I think that Dirty Harry would have been better off staying in his house.

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