Ding dong, the witch is dead!

Brett Bellmore

New member
I suppose it could be thought a little ghoulish to cheer, but Senator John Chaffe, the guy who each year introduces a resolution to repeal the Second amendment, just died. Who knows, maybe we can replace him with a pro-gun Senator?

He died Sunday of heart failure. Here's his record on guns, as bragged about by his own staff:

Senator Chafee authored the law which prevents stalkers and others subject to restraining orders from possessing a handgun, enacted as part of the 1994 crime bill. He was an early proponent of the Brady Law which imposes a waiting period for handgun purchases, and sponsored laws to ban a range of assault weapons. He introduced ground-breaking legislation to ban the possession of handguns, thereby enhancing public health and safety, and is a sponsor of measures to deter access to handguns by children.

Sic semper tyranus!

[This message has been edited by Brett Bellmore (edited October 25, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Brett Bellmore (edited October 25, 1999).]
He also voted AGAINST the impeachment of Klinton.
They (CNN) said he died "suddenly" at Bethesda Naval Hospital. I can't help but wonder if maybe we've got some allies working there. ;)

Happiness is a tight group!

[This message has been edited by Outlaw1 (edited October 25, 1999).]
Never doubt the power of prayer.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I just love the way that this anti-gun extremist is being described in the news media as a "moderate". It seems that there are moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats, but no liberal Republicans or moderate Democrats. Hmmm...
Sounds like an "unintended consequence" to me. I don't feel bad at all.

It bet I better watch for guys in ninja suits now!
Well, if there's more to it than the simple report, you'd have to surmise that if someone came for him, he lacked the tools to defend himself, oh durn....
Check out the BS that Albert spouts.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>For Immediate Release Contact:
Monday, October 25, 1999 (202) 456-7035


Tipper and I were saddened to hear of the passing of Senator John

John was one of the friends I most respected and admired in the
Senate. And though we came from opposite sides of the political aisle, we
saw eye-to-eye on many issues. I will always respect his dedication to
serving the people of Rhode Island, his heart-felt commitment to the
environment, and his bipartisan approach to the Senate.

I will also remember John as a brave man. For despite the many
pressures he faced over the two decades he served in the Senate, he was
never a partisan, never an ideologue. He was simply the gentleman from
Rhode Island who was never afraid to speak his mind and allow the American
people to judge his actions.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Virginia, and his
children, Zechariah, Lincoln, John, Jr., Georgia, and Quentin.[/quote]

CCW for Ohio action site.
Banning hand guns from civilian ownership?

Lets not waste server space on him - lets instead talk about who to replace him!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Brett Bellmore: Damn your eyes, sir! That bloody tune has been going through me head the last few days! I finally broke down and watched the movie -- and the wife caught me. (The last time that happened, I was watching a women's collegiate gymnastics event in slow motion.) Luckily, after 38 years of marriage, she has abandoned me to the gods, as I am beyond redemption.

Hey, I still got a kick out of the dialogue.

Some years back, when Chaffee was shooting off his anti-gun mouth, we had a postcard
mail-in, each pledging $10, payable upon departure, towards a plane flight to some totalitarian country where he'd be more at home. He never took us up on the offer, but
I suspect he's now in good company.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Howling and wiping off the Dr. Pepper!

Oatka...I'd have paid to see the moment when you were caught watching slo-mo gymnastics!!

I'm dying heah! :) :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I, too, was joyful when I heard of his passing. One less socialist pig to try later!

[This message has been edited by Leadfoot (edited October 31, 1999).]
The governor of Rhode Island has appointed Lincoln Chaffee, the late Senator's son, to take his father's place in the Senate. Linc is a clone of his father so be prepared to be stuck with this guy 'til Hell freezes over.

All of the talk shows in this area (I'm in Mass. just across the line from RI) have been lauding the Sr. Chaffee's praises as a wonderful man who was above all honest and had his own mind. They didn't like it very much when I called in and stated that he was a Liberal hack and a RINO (Republican In Name Only). I then went on to explain that if one is in a party and that party has a platform of many planks and you are in opposition to nearly every one of them -- YOU'RE IN THE WRONG DAMNED PARTY!

Chaffee was (and will be) a spoiler for the party and a foil for it's platform.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited November 04, 1999).]