Dillon's HP1 Electronic Hearing Protector

Does anyone have any experience with these? I was looking at either the Wolf ears or the Peltor tac-7's. It looks like the Wolf ears are better because they never cut out, they lower the volume of loud noises so you never get a cut out sound. The Dillon's also say that they are designed to never shut off, but I would like to hear from any of the actual owners of these muffs. If anyone has any info I would love to hear it.

The Peltors work the same way as the Pro Ears as far as I can tell. I believe the MAG model has a NRR of 29. That's the highest rating of any of the electronic muffs that I've found. They are also the most expensive.
I've tried both (borrowed) the Tac 6 and Tac 7 muffs and really like them.
I just got a pair of the HP-1's over the weekend and if the weather allows, I plan on stopping at the range on the way home from work tonight to try them out.

Neil Casper
Neil: I'm anxious to hear your review about the Dillon HP1's. Did the loud noise cut-out of the peltor's bother you? It would seem that is the main advantage to the Dillon product. From the pictures it looks like the HP1's aren't adjustable to the wearer's head. Is that the case? It might just be that i can't see the head band adjustments from the picture in the Dillon catalog.

The Peltors were real nice. My only experience prior to the Peltors are with a Silencio Mono electronic set. I don't like them. They cut out and stay off for several seconds, click and crackle. I find them very distracting.
The Peltors I tried kept transmitting sound at the preset volume, they just "compressed" the gunfire to that level. No cutting in and out. I thought that was the best thing since sliced bread.
I did not get to try the HP-1 out tonight. The snow and ice that came this morning hindered my plan.
I am planning to use them at an indoor IDPA match this Sunday. That will be the proof of the puddin'. If I don't like their mode of operation I'll call Dillon and see if they will trade them for a set of Peltors.

Neil Casper
Oh Yeah! They are adjustable. They fit nice and snug without bringing too much pressure on my frail head.


I never tried the Pro-Ears, but from what they're advertiseing and some users have described, the Aero Peltors work the same way. People don't think they do, probably because they've never tried them is my guess. AP doesn't advertise the feature like PE does might be another reason for the misunderstanding. IMHO they are good, comfortable muffs. Maybe they don't have the extra high protection value, but the they can be used w/plugs to get the same benefit while on the range.

As for the Dillon muffs: I don't know if they are still selling the same model, (maybe it was the HP 1), but when I last saw an issue of their catalog a couple of years ago, they were selling Aero Peltors colored blue w/a Dillon logo on them. They were exactly the same as the tactical 6 or 7s. Dillon just has them made by AP as a contract product and resales them w/a higher price from what I understand. If you want a pair, buy them from one of the bigger distributors like MidWay USA when they are on sale. I got a pair of the compact ones for $120. I had to send them back to MidWay under warantee once, but they replaced them w/a good set. Apparently some were manufactured w/a faulty circit.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
The Dillon muffs in question are recently introduced and appear to be competitive with the ProEars Slim LE's.

I have had experience with both the ProEars and Peltors and find them both to be excellent examples of fine hearing protection.

Personally, I am partial to the ProEars from personal experience. The Tactical series along with the Magnum for extra protection are must-haves for any serious range use.

Street Smart Professional Equipment

I have been using HP1's for about two months, every day while working at a major range in the southwest. They work as advertised, are adjustable and comfortable. The ear cups are a little snug and that might be a problem in warm climates like here in Arizona during the summer months. I have also used the Tac 6 and Pro Ears. I like the HP1 best. I think Peltor makes it by special contract for Dillion.

Best Regards......
"Train to Defend, Train to Survive, Train to Win"
I talked with Keith at Dillons and he told me the HP1 was made by CED. I don't know who they are, but that's what they said. The directions and all packaging has Dillon on it and nothingelse.

Neil Casper
Any idea how the HP1's compare to the Wolf Ears? They say that the Wolf Ears have the best stereo setup. You can really tell where sounds are coming from. How does the placement sound on the HP1's?

I just tried my Dillon HP1s over the weekend and I don't like them. Dillon says that they don't shut off, but they do! Not only do they shut off but it stays off for a good second or so and it really bugs me. Do you other HP1 owners have the same experience?
