The rod on the Lee is 1/2". The ones on EBay are either the Ergo handle for $49. Or just the square screw on attachment for the stock handle, and I can tell from looking at it, I would not like.
I just went ahead and ordered one from Graf & Sons.
But on another note, I love the smooth cycling of the machine, really getting frustrated trying to set up all the dies. Not as forgiving as my Lee Pro 1000.
I better start another thread on this. I will call it "Trouble setting up Dillon XL650"
You know what, I have ordered the Dillon aluminum roller handle , but the stock handle isn't that bad, so I will try the new one when it gets here, but never know, I may send it back.
I actually bought the roller handle for my 650, and tried them both, and switched back to the stock ball handle. Just trying to decide whether to send the roller handle back or to send it back.
I probably would not have bought the "650 only" strong mount, but I bought the Harbor Freight workbench that looks like a big butcher block, and it has 4 drawers in it, and would not have been able to use the drawers on the one side.
I understand that, I had to place them between the tubes so they would clear the truss on my bench. Maybe "mounts on top mount" would have been a better name than "strong".