Digging though old boxes can be like Christmas


New member
I've been looking for some .223" bullets I know I have but can't find so I started looking in boxes that they shouldn't be in and I found things I don't remember having.

I didn't think I had any 9mm brass. I was sure I gave away the last of it when I sold my last 9mm about 15 years ago. I was feeling remorseful about that when I got my S&W Shield a couple years back. I found 3 bags of it that together weigh around 5 pounds. About half of it was all clean and shiny from being freshly tumbled before being put away. I still can't find those 2 boxes of 9mm bullets I was sure I had but I can always cast up some...

Then there's the bag of .308 bullets only labeled .308" 180g. They're boat tail bullets with a shape resembling an old Coke bottle. I have no idea who made them or where I got them.

I still can't find my .300 Savage dies and those .223 bullets so who knows what else I'll find... :eek:

That happens every time I have moved. Thought I lost a bag containing two pairs of expensive US-made Danner hunting boots. After a few months, that bag was inside a box I THOUGHT was Christmas decorations................
Could be. I'll try to get some pix up tomorrow.

I've been married, divorced and moved twice since I last had all my reloading stuff set up. Also in the past few months I inherited a couple 3 boxes of old ammo and reloading supplies from an old friend. My reloading area is a bit of a disaster right now but the good news is I have a small bedroom dedicated to reloading...

Moved moved in July and thought I was pretty much unpacked. I was missing some 6.5 bullets and looked into a opaque white plastic container that was stuck on the bottom shelf of a cabinet and found not only the 6.5 bullets but 4K of small pistol primers as well. 1K each of CCI 200, CCI 250's, 1K Rem 9 1/2, and 1 K of some Federal AR matches which I bought just at the start of this crunch when Powder valley was limiting purchases to 1 K of each type of primer

Those will be someone's wasp-waist bullets. NEI made molds for a couple of them when they were still in business.

The wasp-waist bullet was developed based on a fundamental misunderstanding of aerodynamics. It was to copy the fact some supersonic aircraft fuselages had them. The bullet designers doing this just assumed the supersonic aircraft designers were more knowledgeable than they were (probably a correct assumption) and just assumed the fact those engineers used it meant it would be good for supersonic bullets, too (an incorrect assumption). What they missed is that in a supersonic aircraft, that narrowing corresponded to where the wings were and it was done to make the cross-sectional area of the plane constant down its length. This corrected some control surface problems in early supersonic designs. Of course, the problem is the bullet has no control surfaces to compensate for at the narrowed portion. So all it does is create additional shock wave formation and reduce the ballistic coefficient. No doubt, some folks shot them and happened to have barrels that liked them and decided it was an innovation. But it didn't last when they found other bullets did just as well or better.
These bullets are copper jacketed. Anyway since I only have 50 or so, I'll probably load them into 7.5 Swiss rounds for my K-31. That rifle doesn't get the love it deserves...

I have other things that need my attention today but those .223" bullets are here somewhere. I know I've seen them since the last move. I've completely written off my game camera. Even if it turns up those crappy Costco batteries I put it it would have leaked by now and ruined it.

My 2 goals for this particular organization session it to get all my powders in one place and the same for all my reloading dies. Perhaps if I give up on the .300 Savage dies, I'll find them when looking for something else. It's not like I need them right now...

WOW, Christmas came early for me. Was looking for a 38 Special container to hold some reloads. Poking through what I THOUGHT was a box of 40 S&W brass was a BOX of 5,000 CCI Large Pistol Primers! Don't even remember buying them; certainly did not know I had them. Wasn't really short but now I'm FLUSH. I can load all my large pistol brass I have on hand. Wish it were Small Pistol instead.
Opened an old coffee can the other day, found 3 bags of new brass, .30-40, 7.7 Jap and 7.62x54R. Won't have to look for them for a while, now...
I did a search for wasp-waist bullets and sure enough I found that Herter's wasp-waist bullets is exactly what I have.

I did some more digging this morning and found that I had prepped, and primed a couple hundred R-P .223 cases that I didn't remember doing. I thought I had loaded all those...

I'm sure there's a couple more finds waiting for me. I still haven't unpacked my RL550B...

I was at a ROTC rifle match many yrs ago. We stopped at a restaurant and my wallet was not in my pocket-yuk.

Next day I realized it was in my shooting boots in a large wooden box that we hauled rifles, jackets etc.. yea.
On a shelf in the basement, I "found" 9000 LPP's if had forgotten about and immediately bought another .45 to make sure I had a backup.
Today I found a box of 95g Hornady .355 hollow point bullets. I know they're for the .380 ACP but I plan to load them as hot as I can get away with for my 9mm S&W Shield. On the other hand I was sure I had a box of 115g FMJ bullets but they're not turning up.

I also found a box of Sierra .357 110g hollow point bullets that I knew I had but wasn't sure where they went. I'm half tempted to try loading them in the 9mm but I'm concerned they won't chamber and if they do, they will be over pressure. So I'll likely load them for one of my .357 mag revolvers.
