Difference in National Park Rules??


New member
Difference in National Park Rules?


I have been under the impression that if one is transporting a gun through a National Park you are OK to lock up your unloaded weapon in the trunk or out of reach and lock up the ammo in a different location. I know several Parks have this as their "rules" spelled out on their websites. And this is what I have always done with my handguns when visiting a National Park while traveling.
However, this morning I was reading from the Smokey Mountains website and they simply state "no firearms allowed".
My question is: Are there different rules for different Parks? Or is the general rule that I have always obeyed superceeded by an individual Park's stricter rules? If so, this ought not to be.
I'm talking just about National Parks (Federal). As I mentioned in my first post, the Smokey Mountain National Park website lists as one of its regulations "no firearms allowed" without going into any further detail. But if you go to the Yellowstone National Park website you will find this:

No firearms or weapons, including state-permitted concealed weapons, are allowed in Yellowstone. However, unloaded firearms may be transported in a vehicle when the weapon is cased, broken down, or rendered inoperable, and kept out of sight. Ammunition must be placed in a separate compartment of the vehicle.

I guess I was under the impression that all National Parks operated under the same rules for transporting a handgun through the park.