New member
What's different about the two besides their jurisdiction? What kind of stuff are they usually doing? State Troopers work for the DPS and metro cops work for the city, correct?
Why isn't it a violation of federalism to have federal agents enforcing state or local laws?
There should not be any crimes that are covered by both federal and state law.
It should be a local crime. State penal codes are perfectly capable of dealing with people who steal money through violence or threats of violence. What possible reason is there for granting bank robbery federal status when robbery of large corporations is a state crime? Most bank robberies net no more than a few thousand dollars. That's barely grand theft.Bank robbery is a local crime and federal crime. Who should get jurisdiction on this? and why?
I never knew we had Federal Police, just FBI, and kind of stared. The car had white gov't tags. So, I understand what state and metro police do, but what are Federal Police about and what is their purpose?