Difference between Skeet and Trap?

Bill in NM

New member
I've heard and used both terms interchangably, but always thought in the back of my mind that there must be some difference between them. Is there?
Yes, they are two very different games.

Skeet is shot on a field with two trap houses, on a semicircular field. Targets are thrown over a central stake and do not vary from the flight path. Shooters progress around the skeet field over eight stations. It entails both single and double targets. Skeet was developed to provide hunters with targets at various angles normally encountered in the field. The targets are close and open chokes are used.

Trap is shot on a field with five shooting stations with a single traphouse throwing targets away from the shooters. The targets vary in height and angle going away from the traphouse. Originally trap derived from a live bird game, it is the oldest of the disciplines. Trap is usually shot with tight chokes. Trap has several variations including a doubles game and a handicap game that moves shooters farther from the Trap house as their shooting ability improves.

An excellent book on the different games is "The Clay Target Handbook" by Jerry Meyer. It explains the games in detail as well as giving the rules and variations.

Geoff Ross
Hey Geoff,
What's it called when the throwers in the back of the pickup and the shooter is about even with the tailgate? Is there an actual name for the cornfield adaptation, or do we get to make one up?

Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
Sounds like Sporting Clays to me

Geoff Ross
Anyone got a good receipe for Skeeters? I've shot a few and have tried to cook um... but they always turn out tough. Would have to be Skeeter stew as by the time I get one it's all in itsy bitsy pieces.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Eric, that is called target practice.

nwgunman, LMAO!! Actually I can actually shoot trap, skeet forget it. I shot to soon while next to the low house. As soon as the bird appeared in the high house I fired. The machine was throwing out broken birds every so often for the next hour. I was asked to not do that again.
Eric, that's called Hoosier-Hillbilly-Style Shootin'
. I should know, done plenty of it over dad's field. Did you know clay pigons make excellent fertilizer?

nwgunman, when I shoot trap it's more like miss 1x25. "Pull....BANG! ....Miss.... Pull....BANG! ....Miss..."

Jeff, glad I wasn't loadin' in the trap house that day!