Difference between Federal Low recoil 2.75" 00 Buckshot loads?

I have bought federal 9 pellet 00 Buckshot 2.75" shells that come in the box marked "Tactical" only to find the shot shells themselves marked "Low Recoil" and not "Tactical" I called Federal and they said that the only 00 loads marked Tactical are in white hulls. I just found a bunch of Red hulled Federal 00 marked Tactical.

Does anyone know what difference there is between the rounds marked "Low Recoil" and "Tactical"? Louis Awerbuck and a few other instructors I know say the TACTICAL rounds group better... Any Comments?


Ben, I looked on Federal's website (www.federalcartridge.com) and they don't explain the difference. I do recall reading somewhere that the designation Low Recoil is a reduced load. They list load #H132 as a Low Recoil load. Check the box for this number.

Now the Tactical designation is I think supposed to have treated powder that reduces muzzle flash giving that "Tactical Advantage". Who knows if any of it's true. Sounds like an advertising gimmick to me. At o'dark thirty when the boogey man's in the house I know I sure as Hell won't even feel a recoil!

Gun control is People Control
I read something about the Tactical rounds using a specially hardened or plated shot developed specifically for them to maintain effectiveness at reduced velocity. Not sure though....that was reference Federal Tactical. And yes, it does group better (in my experience!).
Hans Vang says that he has experienced that the Federal H132 & the LEH132 ARE different.

But I hear that the BEST 00 is the Remongton 8 pellet reduced recoil 00 buck. That stuff is hard to find.
