Difference between a Jew and a Yid...

cornered rat

Same as between Lady and Bitch, African-American and Nigger, citizen and slave...ability to avenge an insult, block a punch, defend against encroachments.

Glad to see that the local synagogue (prodded along by David Gross and, in small part, by me) will set up training courses (modeled on the NRA handgun/rifle training). Hagana it won't be, but the response to the latest mess is to make us prepared and far more dear to take out than the valiant Warsaw fighters.

PS: In other news, I celebrated my 25th birthday with some backyard skeet. Damn, I am a lousy shotgunner! Also, I can easily see how people develop an addiction to finely crafted older Browning doubles.
Cornered Rat
ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
"Turn in your guns, get a a free tattoo on your arm"

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited April 25, 1999).]
Great going rat!
I believe after what happened last week ,we are in for the fight of our lives. That is why I became a life member of <A HREF="http://www.gunowners.org">GOA</A> an also joined <A HREF="http://www.jpfo.org">JPFO</A> today.
JPFO is a great organization. I think they appreciate better than most of us what it must be like to be unarmed and helpless.

For an interesting view, take a look at the books "Young Lions" and any short story collection that includes "Act of Faith", by Irwin Shaw. The books are not to be judged by the movie based on them.

A most interesting view on Jews, war and firearms... (Used book stores have these at $2-5 ea.)
What a maroon! Like Alan Iverson is such a great role model of inner city youth, so we'll give 'em a jacket with the little hoop thug's name on it for their Bryco's and Ravens. Nice. Stupid is as stupid does. Philly oughta look into Operation Exile (a la Richmond VA) if they want to reduce gun-related crime. My .02 - M2
I don't suppose it's ever occurred to the mayor to PROSECUTE that guy that goes into the gun store and buys 12 9mm's and then sells them to those kids on the street?
Isn't the penalty for a straw purchase something like 5 years per gun? That would put that clown behind bars for 60 years!
And it would be a lot more effective than these phony gun buy back programs. Did you ever see what gets turned in? Mostly rusted out pieces of junk that would probably blow up or fall apart if someone tried to use them.

You've GOT to be kidding, right? PROSECUTE?

Why, that man would never have been driven to his crimes if those guns weren't there in the store window! Come on!