Diff brands any good?


I hope this is a easy question I'm just curious about
some brands I come across in but I never really see
Auto Ordnance 1911a1
Charles Daly
Israel Arms
Safari Arms

Avoid Auto Ordnance at all costs!

I have heard good and bad reports about Charles Daly and Israel Arms. Caveat Emptor.

No info on Safari Arms.

Did I mention that you must "Avoid Auto Ordnance at all costs!"?
Note that Auto Ordnance has recently been purchased by Kahr. Hopefully Kahr will improve their quality control.

Charles Daly

I can only give input on the Charles Daly. Some people have bought bad examples, but I was not one of them. It has excellent fit and finish, no exterior tool marks with some minor ones on the inside. Accuracy is outstanding, was out two days ago doing some 15 yd shooting and created aragged hole about the size of a half dollar in the center of the B27 target. Am I happy with this firearm, you bet. Matter of fact I use it as my full sized CCW. I have fired 600 rounds of FMJ and Hydrashok without a single problem.
I'm with Rob96. All I did was replace the recoil spring and firing pin spring with Wolf's and fitted a new firing pin stop and got some good mags and I've put about 550 230gr FMJ and Hydoshoks. No problems.
