Didn't see *this* coming, did we?

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Staff Alumnus

Entire URL is too long to post, so I'm copying the article here.

All together now: WE TOLD YOU SO!

Using new law, Conn. police seize 11 guns
from home

By Associated Press, 11/01/99

GREENWICH, Conn. - Police used a new gun law to raid an Old Greenwich house and seize 11 guns from a man they say may be dangerous.

But Thompson Bosee says he legally owns the weapons and does not pose a danger to himself or others.

The state law, which went into effect Oct. 1, allows police officers to obtain a warrant to search a person's home and temporarily seize weapons if the individual is proved to be an immediate danger to himself or others.

Bosee said most of the weapons have been in his family for generations, and he is studying to become a gunsmith.

"This new law says if you don't like guns, you can turn your neighbor in," he said. "The majority of these weapons date back to my great-grandmother."

Police seized a sub-machine gun and more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition during a search of Bosee's home Thursday night.

"I live in this house with my mother," Bosee said. "She certainly doesn't think I pose a danger to anyone."

Bosee, 45, has not been charged with any weapons-related offenses, but police are investigating whether the guns are owned legally.

Bosee said he will challenge the seizure, and any charges that might follow, on grounds that the law is unconstitutional.

Officers went to Bosee's house about 8:30 p.m. Thursday to serve him with a warrant for an 8-year-old charge of failing to appear in court on a drunken driving charge.

The four officers also had a warrant to search for the guns, police said.

Police found six handguns, two rifles, a shotgun, an assault rifle and a sub-machine gun.

Deputy Police Chief James Walters said Friday that police were "made aware" that Bosee might have a large number of weapons in his home.

Walters said Bosee reportedly had been seen in his yard with a gun. Walters would not elaborate further.

Bosee, who is a member of the National Rifle Association and the American Gunsmithing Association, said the only time he may have been seen with a gun was while he was transporting a weapon to a shooting range.

He said the ammunition is solely for use at ranges or hunting.

Bosee, who has lived in Greenwich most of his life, said he was living in New York at the time the failure-to-appear charge was first filed, and questioned why police waited until now to arrest him.

"It was a way for them to search the house," he said.

Bosee was released on $500 bond Friday and was scheduled to appear in state Superior Court in Stamford on Tuesday.

This story ran on page B12 of the Boston Globe on 11/01/99.

Dear Feds:
You can't have them. Stop trying to take them.

ps: BITE ME!
Check out a thread on the original law -- http://www.thefiringline.com:8080/forums/showthread.php?threadid=24031

Part of the story stated: "Critics say the law tramples the Second Amendment and fear it could lead to unwarranted searches and seizures.

The lying bstds countered with "Supporters say the standards for seizing guns are so high the law will seldom be used. . .

Seizure Conditions - Legally seizing a gun will require more than suspicion, said state police Lt. Robert Kiehm. There must be evidence that the person recently tortured animals, threatened to kill himself or others or acted violently. A police investigation must conclude there is no other way to keep the person from doing harm, and a warrant must be issued by a judge. The law also requires a hearing within 14 days to determine whether the gun should be returned."

You folks in Illinois -- "Rep. Tom Darta, a Chicago Democrat, said he plans to introduce a similar Illinois proposal in November."

I wrote the Gov. of Connecticut about the salem Witch Hunt syndrome, and also the
Las Vegas Review-Journal, warning them both.
Time to twist the journalistic knife.

(Amping up the rant mode).

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
What I find interesting is... he had a submachinegun? He claimes he is legal? If in fact he does have a submachinegun and he is legal, then would not the FBI, BATF & others have had to run his background? Are submachinegun's legal in his state? If not then why was he not arrested for firearms violations? No, sorry, but I don't believe that he had a submachinegun. Just another little blurb by the media to gender support for the law.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Obviously, the man was a real threat to society. He did not appear on an EIGHT year old DUI, in New York, oh my God. We have to be careful with this man, he might be a closet jaywalker.

First California, now this. I do not really want to think about what is next.
We did know this would happen, we predicted it. The 8 yr old out of state DUI warrant was merely an excuse to break into his house and have legal leverage. Miserable Nazi rat b@st@rds

There is not a single law that allows actions above what the publically expressed intentions were, that is not nor will not be abused. They lie and lie and lie even more. If a law allows it, they will do it sure as death,taxes and the sun rises.

Never forget....They lie, and lie and lie even more.

Here are the original links: http://www.thefiringline.com:8080/forums/showthread.php?threadid=22928

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited November 01, 1999).]
When will even law abiding GUN OWNERS even realize that every firearm law on the book is a step toward complete confiscation of citizen weaponry and deficates upon the bodies of heroic dead soldiers who fought to obtain and retain our liberties. I'm glad that YOU all realize this already, but I would bet money that there are some members of Gun Forums that strongly disagree. They are entitled to their opinions in this "free" country. Nonetheless those honorable men who died so we have the freedom to make decisions of a legislative nature understood something that many of us won't, even WHEN they kick in our door and ransack our homes. When our fellow citizens property, wives, and children have been violated; only then will they wonder...wonder how things ever got to be "this way."

"Enforce those gun laws already on the books..." GIVE ME A BREAK! I wish that gun lobbies that hold this in their charters would realize what is happening and start being honest with thier members!

The above statement should in no way be taken personally by anyone with an emmotional personallity who s feeling might get hurt. It is an "if the shoe fits, you political 'gun lobby groups'" statement. If members see that the shoe fits, I would suggest contacting those in charge of policy making and put that shoe in the appropriate part of the anatomy of the policy maker. I would also suggest doing some serious research and thinking about the politicians before casting thier vote.

This is exactly why some of us don't belong to gun lobby groups that want to get tough on crimes committed with guns. According to what realy counts, the LAW, this man in the article COMMITTED A CRIME INVOLVING FIREARMS!
If a person trusts governments enough to agree with ANY gun laws that it passes, to prosecute justly, he better ask himself what happened to over one hundred million innocent people who were murdered, raped, and tortured by their own govts in THIS present century!
The educational gun rights group by our Jewish friend Aaron Zelman gives an extremely conservative figure of half this amount, but do we as Americans think that OUR system is immune from such abuses? jpfo.org

Thank you Mr. Moderater. For the remainder of time, I will now turn the floor over to my honorable friend from the state of Vermont. :)

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 01, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 01, 1999).]
Letting that guy out on a bond may be the best thing they have done. Now he has the luxury of choice (no good alernatives, but he can pick his evils): fight legally, fight with arms, fly or surrender. I, personally, would advise #2 followed by #2 or #3, depending on skill, training and mindset.
Here we go, and it gets worse by the day...

"...police were "made aware" that Bosee might have a large number of weapons in his home." He had 11 firearms and has not been charged with any weapons-related offenses, but police are investigating whether the guns are owned legally.....WOW! What a haul for the police...What a joke.

"Police found six handguns, two rifles, a shotgun, an assault rifle and a sub-machine gun." I question their descriptions. They probably are calling a Winchester Model 100 semi-auto an "Assult rifle"....and a "MACHINE-GUN" Give me a break!!!!

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt but par for the course and in my opinion, it is all politically driven garbage.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.

[This message has been edited by Elker_43 (edited November 02, 1999).]
This sounds very similar to the Capistrano School district groundskeeper, Mr. Peacock 2 months ago....out on sick leave and accused of stealing school property(a few buckets and a ladder)...SWAT team and oh my...he had a bunch of guns....no criminal record, no reports of threats or assaults or "questionable" affiliations.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
And another canary drops off its perch. Connecticut and Kalifornia gun owners beware, you might be next. Tick off any neighbors? Got a divorced spouse who isn't too happy with you? How about that guy you beat out for a promotion at work?

I've heard of Driving While Black, now it's Living While Armed.

Say goodnight, Gracie.

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
This is Discusting - legally I dont think they can serve that 8 year old warrant...
Isnt there a 7 year statute of limitation? Isnt it true they can only serve that warrant if NY was willing to extridite?

Even so - they only used this as an excuse to steal some guns.

This makes me want to puke.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We have seen this before.

The last time they wore brown shirts and swastikas on their arms and went after Jews because they were jews.

Now they wear uniforms and shields and go after gun owners because they have guns.

Hey wait a minute! I just counted, I have exactly 11 guns! Oh &#!t!

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited November 02, 1999).]
For those who say "It can't happen here!" (not this forum's posters), check out the timeline --
May -- Law is proposed.
October -- Law is implemented with "high
safeguards" to prevent abuse.
November -- Law is enforced/abused.

Six months, gentlemen, from thought to
inception to perversion. Now I know how the Aussies got blind-sided -- Speed.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Check this out! Woohoo!

There's gonna be a whooole lotta gunnies at the courthouse on Friday. Ah, if only I could be there...

All CT TFLers, *please* try to make it and show your support for Thompson.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I'd like to, just don't think I can get to Connecticut . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

At this point the court date is scheduled for next Tuesday. Any body from this board going to support Mr. Bossee?

Best regards,

The corporate,unconstittutional state is alive and well in Conn. But it could happen in any area of the country tomorrow. No area is exempt from these unconstitutional laws. who will be next? These politicos are on a roll right now and it is scary how the GDP just roll over.
Do we know anymore about this, in terms of whether the court date is still on for tomorrow? My wife and I plan on going to Stamford to support Mr. Bosee in some small way.

Regards, Chris..
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