Didn't Draw Again!


New member
Feeling a little disappointed in my draw results so far. I've been unsuccessful again this year in drawing a Moose or Elk tag. I figured I wouldn't get the Moose the average is 7 years for a bull and 3 for a cow, but I applied for elk in an area that 4000 tags were issued last year. I have a friend who has hunted that area for 10 years and drawn a tag every year. I know I can buy a tag over the counter here in CO but I was really hoping for this area, who knows what area I'll be in for the leftovers.

The good thing about this year is I should get my deer tag, I've got 4 preference points and should be able to get this buck I have my eye on. I've been watching a small herd of White tails that had a couple of pretty nice bucks in it last year, here in CO the White tail deer are not very plentiful and would make for a good hunt. I wouldn't turn down a nice Mulie though if I came across one.

I don't know if I'll draw for Pronghorn, got a tag last year and all my points reset. We sure have a bumper crop of them this year so I hope I'll get to hunt one. Next year should be easier I'll be set up with landowner permits now that I have my father registered with the DOW, that will pretty much guarantee me up to six tags for deer and pronghorn.
had the same problem with getting a antlered deer tag in Yankton county in SD. Went 5 years in a row without luck, then got lucky for 3 years and now no luck streak starting again. Hey at least it forced me to learn how to shoot black powder and archery. You are guaranteed a ticket every year and I always bag a nice deer (whitetail or muley) because of longer shooting periods and less hunters out. Best of luck to ya.

Also, anybody know how the chances are of deer, elk are in the Billings, Mt area ? (I am hopefully starting a new job there this fall)